Sunday, April 3, 2016


          As a parent can you imagine the fear and stress that you would face if your son suddenly ran to you hysterically yelling that his brother had been hit by a car?  That is exactly what happened to Napoleon B. Vandall (1896-1970) one evening while he was reading the newspaper and waiting for his wife to call the family for dinner.  Vandall rushed outside to find that his son who was playing between the sidewalk and the curb had been hit by a car whose driver had lost control.  He had been dragged up the street, was covered with blood and was unable to speak.  He was taken unconscious to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a brain concussion, a broken leg, a separated shoulder, and a broken collar bone. The surgeon did not have much hope for his survival.  Vandall replied "Doctor, I am sure you will do the very best you can, but you hold out so little hope. I am a World War veteran, having served with the Marines for almost two years, and I've seen some hard things - they said I was tough. But I'm a Christian minister now, and this is my boy and you offer no hope. Please let me stand by and hold his hand and pray while you do what has to be done." The doctor looked him over and then granted his request. For one hour and fifteen minutes, he held on in prayer while they cleaned and sewed up the head wounds. Then they set the broken bones. No opiates were given because of his heart condition. The doctor said, "His heart cannot stand any more and may stop at any time."  Wearily Vandall headed home to comfort his wife.  He then fell on his knees and tried to pray, but words would not come. He remembered saying only, "Oh, God!" He said that hardly had those words been uttered when God came. It seemed to him that Jesus knelt by his side and he could feel His arms around him as He said, "Never mind, my child. Your home will be visited with tribulation and sorrow, but in the afterwards to come, these things shall not be. Your home is in heaven, where tears shall be wiped away."  He then made his way to the piano where he wrote the beautiful song "After"  Incidentally his son did eventually recover.  Vandall's song reminds me of the verse Psalm 30:5, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."  Life can be tough and we often struggle with the cares and toil of everyday living.  Sometimes there seems to be no hope for the problems of the world that we live in.  But Christians do have the hope that one day these troubles nd sorrows will be over and we will see Jesus face to face.  I recently faced the unknown as I was scheduled for open heart surgery.  I really didn't want to leave my family, but I had peace knowing that after this life there is something much better.  May that knowledge and hope fill your heart as you face the toil and heat of the day during the coming week.  Meditate upon and claim these words this week.

1.     After the toil and the heat of the day, 
After my troubles are past, 
After the sorrows are taken away, 
I shall see Jesus at last. 
He will be waiting for me, Jesus, so kind and true. 
On His beautiful throne He will welcome me home 
After the Day is through. 

2.     After the heartaches and sighing shall cease, 
After the cold winter's blast, 
After the conflict comes glorious peace: 
I shall see Jesus at last. 
He will be waiting for me, Jesus, so kind and true. 
On His beautiful throne He will welcome me home 
After the Day is through. 

3.      After the shadows of evening shall fall, 
After my anchor is cast. 
After I list to my glorious peace, 
I shall see Jesus at last. 
He will be waiting for me, Jesus, so kind and true. 
On His beautiful throne He will welcome me home 
After the Day is through. 

As is often the case with older hymns that are not well known, it is hard to find a viideo of them.  But here is one that at least shares the words and melody with 'you.    LISTEN

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