Sunday, March 6, 2016


          Usually when I choose hymns for this blog the author of the hymn is known, although quite often little or nothing is known about the circumstances that surrounded its writing. However, the writer of this week's hymn is anonymous, although there is much speculation about not only who it was but also how it was used.  It appears that it first appeared in London about 1757 to commemorate Trinity Sunday.  Some believe the author was Charles Wesley because it was published on a leaflet bound into the 6th edition of George Whitfield's Collection of Hymns for Social Worship in 1757 along with another hymn by Wesley.  But there is no other record of his writing this and it does not follow the usual meter of his hymns.  Some think it was Whitfield himself, but there is little evidence to support this either.   About fifteen years earlier the British national hymn, "God Save Our Gracious King," first came into general use. Both of these hymn texts were sung to the same tune for a period of time.  Just for fun, try singing a verse of "Come, Thou Almighty King" to this slower, more somber melody.  It has been suggested by some that the text was actually written as an act of rebellion and as a substitute for the words of the royal hymn, and that, for this reason, the author wished to remain anonymous.  Now there are many interesting stories connected with this hymn which may back this theory. For example, during the American Revolution, while British troops were occupying New York City and appeared to be winning the war, a group of English soldiers entered a Long Island church one Sunday morning. This created a very tense atmosphere in the church. The soldiers demanded that the congregation sing "God Save The King" in honor of King George III. The organist was forced to begin playing the tune. But instead of singing "God Save the King," the congregation broke out in "Come, Thou Almighty King." It is said that the commander and his soldiers were so taken aback and so moved by such deep spirituality and by this earnest prayer to God and its devotion to Christ as King, that they marched out of the church without any further threats or intimidation.  The music for the hymn's use today was composed by Italian Felice de Giardinia and as a result has often been referred to as the "Italian Hymn."   The hymn is actually a Trinitarian prayer. The first verse is an invocation to God the Father to come and aid the congregation in worthily praising His name. It's also a prayer for Him to "come and reign over us." The second verse is addressed to the Incarnate Word, God the Son, and invokes His presence and blessing to give the prayer and the preached word success. The third stanza invokes the presence and sacred witness of God the Holy Spirit.  The final stanza finds a fitting climax in ascribing praises to the Triune God.  Meditate upon these words this week and make them your prayer and desire.

(1) Come, Thou Almighty King,
Help us Thy name to sing,
Help us to praise:
Father, all-glorious,
O'er all victorious,
Come, and reign over us,
Ancient of Days.

(2) Come, Thou Incarnate Word,

Gird on Thy mighty sword,
Our prayer attend:
Come,and Thy people bless
And give Thy word success;
Spirit of holiness,
On us descend.

(3)  Come, Holy Comforter,
Thy sacred witness bear.
In this glad hour,
Thou who almighty art,
Now rule in every heart,
never from us depart,

Spirit of power.

(4)  To Thee, great One in Three,
The highest praises be,
Hence evermore,
Thy sovereign majesty
May we in glory see,
And to eternity,
Love and adore.

You can listen to it here.   LISTEN

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