Sunday, February 7, 2016


        Samuel Medley (1738-1799) was educated in a school that his father ran but he did not like the business to which he was apprenticed.  So in 1755 he entered the Navy during the Seven Years' War.  However in 1759 he was severely wounded in a battle with the French. He had been brought up with religious teaching but at that time did not have a personal relationship with the Lord.  As he lay wounded he was expecting the amputation of a limb and he spent the entire night in prayer.  But in the morning the surgeons were surprised at his improved condition and told him that the limb could be saved.  However, he had to retire from active service as a result of his injury.  About that time somebody read to him a sermon by a Dr. Watts and this led to his conversion.  Shortly afterwards he opened a school which for several years he conducted very successfully. But he also began to preach and in 1767 he accepted a call to become pastor of a Baptist church. Then  in 1772 he moved to a large church in Liverpool where he served for twenty-seven years. He was especially successful in reaching sailors, since he never forgot that he had been a sailor himself.  He filled his sermons with expressions that reached the men of the sea.  Medley wrote many hymns, most of which were printed on broadsides, or loose sheets of paper, as well as several volumes.  Among the most famous is this week's hymn.  After a long and painful illness he died July 17, 1799.  Now I don't know what led him to write this hymn, but the words are powerful and most likely his testimony.  He wants to share His Savior's matchless worth. He wants to rejoice in the wondrous grace which made salvation his.  He sings of the precious blood of Jesus and His glorious righteousness.  He wants to sing of the character of Jesus and vows to sing His praise and make His glories known now and throughout eternity.  And he concludes with the exciting hope and assurance of that delightful day when the Lord will call him home and there he will spend eternity triumphant in the Savior's grace.  What an exciting testimony.  Is this your testimony?  Do your actions and your life share the matchless worth of the Savior?  May each of us search our hearts and ask ourselves that question daily.

(1)     O could I speak the matchless worth,
O could I sound the glories forth 
which in my Savior shine!
I'd sing His glorious righteousness, 
and magnify the wondrous grace
Which made salvation mine, 
which made salvation mine.

(2)     I'd sing the precious blood He spilt,
My ransom from the dreadful guilt of sin, 
and wrath divine;
I'd sing His glorious righteousness, 
in which all perfect, heavenly dress
My soul shall ever shine, 
my soul shall ever shine.

(3)     I'd sing the characters He bears,
And all the forms of love He wears, 
exalted on His throne;
In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, 
I would to everlasting days
Make all His glories known,
make all His glories known.

(4)     Soon, the delightful day will come
When my dear Lord will bring me home, 
and I shall see His face;
Then with my Savior, Brother, Friend, 
a blessed eternity I'll spend,
Triumphant in His grace,
triumphant in His grace.

Because the hymn is so old and hardly sung anymore today, it was hard to find a good version to share with you.  So I am providing three different choices for you this week. 
          Organ, piano and words     ORGAN
          Recording by Melody 4       MELODY4
          Two verses by choir           CHOIR

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