Sunday, November 8, 2015


         In the original language of the New Testament the word for spirit meant "wind" or "breath".  On the day of Pentecost the coming of the Holy Spirit was accompanied with "a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind"  (Acts 2:2).  In John 20:22, in anticipation of Pentecost, Jesus "breathed" on His disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit".  Based on this, In 1878 Edwin Hatch penned the words to the hymn "Breathe on Me, Breath of God."  Then, in 1937, B. B. McKinney used the thoughts and words of Hatch's hymn to pen the words of this week's hymn choice, "Holy Spirit, Breathe on Me."  Borrowing from earlier sources is said to have been a common practice among hymn writers who wanted to restate a truth in their own words.  It is said that McKinney was a large man who was "both a winsome and commanding figure, whether he was singing a solo, directing an evangelistic choir, or managing an office." McKinney's work with the Southern Baptists gave him the title as "the father of church music among the Southern Baptists."  After serving as a professor, then as an assistant pastor, he became secretary of the Church Music Department at Baptist headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee.  There he edited the first hymnals used by Southern Baptists.  He also wrote the words and music for about 150 songs. In this week's hymn McKinney shares what the Holy Spirit does for the Christian because He dwells in the heart of the believer.  In stanza one the words "Breathe on me, until my heart is clean" remind us that it is God's Holy Spirit who daily cleanses or sanctifies us.  This is to make us be more and more like Jesus.  Paul, in 1 Corinthians 6:11, says, "But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the Spirit of our God."  The second stanza reminds us that the Holy Spirit also leads us to consecrate ourselves to Christ.  McKinney wrote "Holy Spirit, breathe on me, my stubborn will subdue."  When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are under His complete control to do the perfect will of God.  In the third stanza we sing "Holy Spirit, breathe on me, fill me with power divine."  In Acts 1:8, Christ promised his disciples "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses."  It was that power that enabled the early followers of Christ to spread the Gospel throughout the known world during their lifetimes.  The very same resource is available to us today and is needed for any effective ministry.  The fourth stanza is another prayer of consecration, "Holy Spirit, breathe on me, Till I am all Your own."  What a powerful reminder as we live each day of what the Holy Spirit wants to do for us.  First, He wants to cleanse us from sin.  Second, He wants to help us dedicate ourselves completely to God. Third, He desires to give us the power and resources to serve Him and live victorious lives.  The words of this hymn would be good for us to pray and claim this week.  May He take our hearts and lives and cleanse every part.

1.     Holy Spirit, breathe on me, 
Until my heart is clean. 
Let sunshine fill its inmost part, 
Without a cloud between. 
Breathe on me, breathe on me, 
Holy Spirit breathe on me, 
Take my heart and cleanse every part, 
Holy Spirit, breathe on me. 

2.   Holy Spirit, breathe on me, 
My stubborn will subdue, 
Teach me in ways, of living flame, 
What Christ would have me do. 
Breathe on me, breathe on me, 
Holy Spirit, breathe on me, 
Take my heart, and cleanse every part, 
Holy Spirit breathe on me. 

3.    Holy Spirit, breathe on me,
Fill me with power divine,
Kindle a flame of love and zeal
Within this heart of mine.
Breathe on me, breathe on me, 
Holy Spirit, breathe on me, 
Take my heart, and cleanse every part, 
Holy Spirit breathe on me. 

4.     Holy Spirit breathe on me, 
Till I am all Your own, 
Until my will is lost in Yours, 
To live for You alone, 
Breathe on me, breathe on me, 
Holy Spirit, breathe on me, 
Take my heart, and cleanse every part, 
Holy Spirit breathe on me. 

 You can listen to it here.     LISTEN

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