Sunday, August 16, 2015


          How big is God?  From our intellect that isn't too hard to attempt to answer, especially if we refer to creation and the universe.  We might discuss the magnitude and beauty of the nebula or galaxies which he has created. We could even back this knowledge up by quoting scripture.  "He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name" (Psalm 147:4).   "He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens at His discretion" (Jeremiah 10:12)..  Come and see the works of God; He is awesome" (Psalm 66:5).  We could discuss how He resides in eternity and exists in infinity.  We could share how He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.  And these would all be great answers.  But aside from these intellectual answers we might rather question how big is our God in our day by day life.  Is He really big enough to handle all the personal challenges that we face or do we worry and seek answers and comfort from other sources?  Do we believe that He can really do the impossible in our lives?   Do we really believe that He really knows and cares about our everyday lives?  I believe that how we live demonstrates how big we feel that our God really is.  It's not the intellectual answers and knowledge, it is the heart and trust knowledge.  The God who controls the universe is able to live within our hearts and control all the events of our lives, if we allow Him to do so.  Carl Stuart Hamblen (1908-1989) has been discussed here in previous blogs.  He was the son of a traveling Methodist preacher. He was a country western gospel singer, composer, radio-movie personality, and master storyteller.   He developed a friendship with Billy Graham and later was converted and gave up his sinful lifestyle.  He produced a weekly nationally syndicated "Cowboy Church of the Air" program and wrote numerous gospel songs, including this week's choice.  While it only has two verses, I pray that these words might speak to our hearts this week and challenge us to question how big is our God and what this means to us personality. He is the same God who led the Israelites through the Red Sea, enabled David to slay Goliath and kept Daniel safe in the Den of Lions.   And He is big enough to handle anything that comes our way, and yet small enough to live within our heart.  Do our lives demonstrate this?

1.    Though men may strive to go beyond the reach of space
To walk beyond the distant glimmering stars.
This world's a room so small within my Father's house
The open sky but a portion of his yard.
How big is God? How big and wide is his vast domain?
To try to tell these lips can only start;
He's big enough to rule the mighty universe,
Yet small enough to live within my heart.

2.     As winter's chill may cause the tiny seed to fall,
To lie asleep till waked by summer's rain,
The heart grown cold will warm and throb with life anew;
The Master's touch will bring the glow again.
How big is God? How big and wide is his vast domain?
To try to tell these lips can only start;
He's big enough to rule the mighty universe,
Yet small enough to live within my heart.

Listen to it here.     LISTEN

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