Sunday, July 5, 2015


           Today we live in a world where there are so many things competing for our attention.  Magazines, television, and media promote all sorts of things that are supposed to help us feel better, grow healthier, make our leisure time more enjoyable, make are days more convenient, make us popular, grow our finances, help us keep up with our neighbors and connect with others. We are promised all sorts of enjoyable results if we use them and trust them. They all promise to make our lives more satisfying, fill all of our needs and solve all of our problems.  But they really tend to only distract us and take our time and attention away from that which only can satisfy man's soul, Jesus, the Lamb of God.  One doesn't have to look too far to see how so many people today are living in fear, frustration and without any real purpose and hope.  Their only hope in life is to focus on Jesus. As John the Baptist put it, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John. 1:29). Behold Him, yes, but not simply out of academic curiosity, or as part of mere religious ritual. We need to turn our gaze upon Jesus in confident trust. He is the One who bore the punishment for our sins. We need to look to the Lamb of God, who died in our place, and rose again, in triumph over death. There's life in a look. Back in the nineteenth century, Henry Jackson (1838-1914) and his wife Alice, worked as missionaries in Argentina. Later, he served as a pastor in the United States. Today, he is remembered for this week's hymn choice which he wrote inviting sinners to look to Christ in faith. It reminds us "If you from sin are longing to be free, look to the Lamb of God ... to redeem you ... for He alone is able to save you."  And for those of us who have experienced this redemption, this week's hymn also reminds us that in times of temptation, in times of weariness, and in times of sorrow, which we all face at times,  the answer is not to look at the many false cures advertised in today's media, but to look to the Lamb of God, the only true solution to our needs.  Have you looked to Him for your salvation and redemption?  Are you looking to Him daily for His leading, peace and provision?  If not, do so today ... "for He alone is able to save you!" ... "Look to the Lamb of God!"

(1)   If you from sin 
Are longing to be free,
Look to the Lamb of God.
He to redeem you died on Calvary, 
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
For He alone is able to save you,
Look to the Lamb of God.

(2)    When Satan tempts 
And doubts and fears assail,
Look to the Lamb of God.
You in His strength
Shall over all prevail,
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
For He alone is able to save you,
Look to the Lamb of God.

(3)    Are you aweary?
Does the way seem long?
Look to the Lamb of God.
His love will cheer
And fill your heart with song.
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
For He alone is able to save you,
Look to the Lamb of God.

(4)    Fear not when shadows on your pathway fall,
Look to the Lamb of God.
In joy or sorrow Christ is all in all.
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
For He alone is able to save you,
Look to the Lamb of God.

You can listen to it here.    LISTEN

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