Sunday, June 7, 2015


        As children we often could not wait for special events to come ... a birthday ... Christmas ... summer ... a family vacation.  We would often wake up wishing that this would now be the day that we were so eagerly anticipating.  And I guess even as adults we've often felt the same kind of excitement and anticipation about coming special events.  But do we wake up each day with the anticipation that this could be the day that Jesus comes to take us home?  What a difference this might make in our daily lives if we really believed this.  But it is a fact that Jesus promised that He would return for us although He hasn't revealed when that actual day might be.  It could be today and it is a possibility worth considering. The Apostle Paul commended the Thessalonian Christians for living expectantly. He says, "You turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven" (I Thess. 1:9-10). He himself lived in hope of that event in his own lifetime, assuring his readers, "We who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them [the dead in Christ] meet the Lord in the air" (I Thess. 4:17).  For centuries many believers have lived with that hope but did not experience it.  And there have always been skeptics.  Peter writes of skeptics who say, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation" (II Pet. 3:4).  But Jesus promised to return for us and it could be today that He takes His bride home. Lelia Naylor Morris (1862-1929) believed this and shared this hope and anticipation in this week's hymn. A homemaker, Mrs. Morris operated a ladies' hat shop for a number of years. The Lord also used her to write poetry and compose gospel music. Her accomplishments are all the more remarkable considering that for most of her adult life Lelia Morris was blind.  It is said that she authored more than 1,000 Gospel songs.  When her eyes began to fail, in 1913, her son built a 28-foot blackboard with oversized staff lines so that she could continue composing.  In this hymn she asks the penetrating question,"What if it, the rapture, were today?". The rapture of saints could come any day, when He claims His chosen bride.  But, in addition to the rapture, she also talks about a future second coming when Jesus will return to set up His kingdom here on earth - a time when He returns to earth to reign in power. Both events are intermingled in her writings and this can be confusing and maybe even a little misleading. Hopefully He will soon call us home - the rapture.  Then later He will return to reign as King and bind Satan - the second coming. Both are events to anticipate and long for. But her question about the timing of the rapture is a penetrating question because the possibility of the rapture today should make us question our priorities, activities and even our plans for today.  Are we really ready should this be the day?  But it is also an encouraging question, reminding us that at any time we believers could be taken out of this sinful world with its challenges and disappointments to be forever with Jesus.   Are we ready?

(1)     Jesus is coming to earth again; what if it were today?
Coming in power and love to reign; what if it were today?
Coming to claim His chosen bride, all the redeemed and purified,
Over this whole earth scattered wide; what if it were today?
Glory, glory! Joy to my heart 'twill bring.
Glory, glory! When we shall crown Him king.
Glory, glory! Haste to prepare the way;
Glory, glory! Jesus will come some day.

(2)     Satan's dominion will then be o'er, O that it were today!
Sorrow and sighing shall be no more, O that it were today!
Then shall the dead in Christ arise, caught up to meet Him in the skies,
When shall these glories meet our eyes? What if it were today?
Glory, glory! Joy to my heart 'twill bring.
Glory, glory! When we shall crown Him king.
Glory, glory! Haste to prepare the way;
Glory, glory! Jesus will come some day.

(3)    Faithful and true would He find us here if He should come today?
Watching in gladness and not in fear, if He should come today?
Signs of His coming multiply; morning light breaks in eastern sky.
Watch, for the time is drawing nigh; what if it were today?
Glory, glory! Joy to my heart 'twill bring.
Glory, glory! When we shall crown Him king.
Glory, glory! Haste to prepare the way;
Glory, glory! Jesus will come some day.

Listen to it here.     LISTEN

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