Sunday, March 8, 2015


           Recently I stepped out of my car and suddenly in that one step I did something to my back and leg which not only was extremely painful but resulted in a multitude of doctor visits and tests.  A few days later my wife just turned to take a step and pulled something in her hip which caused her problems walking.  A Lancaster pedestrian took a few steps to cross a street and was suddenly hit by a hit and run driver and he eventually died from his injuries.  It is amazing how one little step can change our lives so suddenly.  And that is why we need to daily commit each step in our lives to the Lord.  Whether it actually is a physical step or a decision or another event, it is a comfort to know that our Savior not only knows and directs our steps. but He really does go before us and leads us. There will always be struggles and painful trials here on our journey through this life, but the Lord is with us and will lead us safely above. In 1953, at the age of 19, Elmo Mercer composed this week's choice, "Each Step I Take". It has been recorded by hundreds of artists in many languages, including Slim Whitman and George Beverly Shea.  It is loved and has been sung around the world for over 50 years. It was a favorite duet that my wife and I would enjoy singing because of the truth of its words. Mercer's formal musical training consisted of two years of piano lessons in the 4th-5th grades. At age 14 he wrote his first gospel song which was published by the John T. Benson company in Nashville, Tennessee. By the age of 19 he had a contract as a staff writer. At age 29 he became the music editor, a position he held for more than two decades. He also arranged music for the Gaithers for nearly a decade. Mercer has written more than 1,600 songs many of which have been recorded by many of the most famous names in commercial gospel music.  Now I don't know what led him to write these words, especially as a teenager, but I must assume that it probably was the result of personal experiences in which Mercer saw the Lord leading him step by step.   None of us know where our next step may lead us, but what a joy to walk with Him each day and experience the leading of His loving hand.  And no matter what may come our way, He has promised to be with us until our last step here on earth is taken.  Thank Him for that this week and experience the comfort, peace and joy that His leading can bring to your every step.

(1)     Each step I take my Savior goes before me,
And with His loving hand He leads the way.
And with each breath I whisper "I adore Thee,"
O, what joy to walk with Him each day.
Each step I take I know that He will guide me;
To higher ground He ever leads me on.
Until some day the last step will be taken,
Each step I take just leads me closer home.

(2)     At times I feel my faith begin to waver,
When up ahead I see a chasm wide.
It's then I turn and look up to my Savior;
I am strong when He is by my side.
Each step I take I know that He will guide me;
To higher ground He ever leads me on.
Until some day the last step will be taken,
Each step I take just leads me closer home.

(3)     I trust in God, no matter come what may,
For life eternal is in His hand.
He holds the key that opens up the way,
That will lead me to the promised land.
Each step I take I know that He will guide me;
To higher ground He ever leads me on.
Until some day the last step will be taken,
Each step I take just leads me closer home.

Listen to it here.   LISTEN


  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful message.

  2. This old song came back to me this morning as I was contemplating and praying about what to do. My mother is 100 1/2 years old, still lives independently in a retirement village but is now beginning to lose her balance and fall.

    I have have always feared having to have her in a nursing home and that seems to be what is ahead of us. This song came to my mind in the midst of those thoughts and prayers.

    I know the Lord will guide us and open the right doors leading us on to His perfect will for her.

    Thank you so much for posting these precious hymns for those of us blessed to have been raised on hymns, Gaither music, and other non-repetitive music with a real message.

    Kathleen McKeithen

  3. My mother passed away on June 8, 2022 at nearly 101 years of age. The Lord answered my prayers I had prayed for many, many years that I would never, ever have to put her in a nursing home or that she would languish on a bed of sickness. These were fears I carried for a long, long time.

    She fell and hit her head on her closet door and passed away. I believe she had a heart attack because she had been having all kinds of trouble in that regard. It hit me very, very hard because I was so extra close to my mother and she and I had always hoped we would go up together in the Rapture.

    I am so thankful to my Lord that, now, she is Home, fully well, no pain, no sorrow.
    Thank You, Lord Jesus!
    Thank you, Anonymous for asking about my dear mother.😊

  4. Kathleen McKeithenMay 16, 2024 at 8:22 PM

    Oops, I guess I don't know how to navigate this. The above comment/reply is from Kathleen McKeithen
