Sunday, February 1, 2015


          I believe that today we live in a society where entitlement is becoming a serious problem.  More and more people believe that they are entitled to whatever they want, free, often at the expense of government.  Probably government programs and handouts have created much of this.  As an example of this, I recently read an article about the parents of the players of a major college football team which was in the national play-offs.  They demanded that the league pay their travel, ticket and hotel costs to attend the bowl play-off games.  It didn't matter that their sons had received four to five years of college free, they felt that they were entitled to much more. Give me, give me, give me, for I deserve it.  Such attitudes are polar opposites of how believers should feel about their salvation and spiritual benefits.  No matter how good we may appear to be, we are just unworthy of what Christ has done for us.  And we should never forget this.  In Luke 3:16 we read, "John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose."  We should be amazed that Christ left all the glories and riches of heaven to come to this earth and suffer a painful death just to pay the penalty for our sins.   We don't begin to deserve to be an heir or have Him prepare a place for us.  But that is our legacy, our inheritance, when we humbly accept His undeserved free gift of salvation.  And these are the thoughts that are expressed in our hymn choice this week, written by Beatrice Bush Bixler (1916-2013).  Most of the hymns that we have featured in this blog over the years have been written by authors who lived a century or more ago.  Not in this case, however.  I have actually heard Bixler sing and play at Pinebrook Bible Conference.  Born in New York state, she grew up with physical problems.  The congregation of a neighbor's church prayed for her healing and she recovered and grew to be healthy and strong, living until 2013 when she was 97.   As a child she learned to play the piano and organ and a a teen was playing for various churches and youth organizations, such as Youth For Christ.  After graduating from Houghton College and majoring in music, Bea married the Rev. Clair Bixler, an ordained pastor in The Christian & Missionary Alliance Church. Together they would be pastor and wife in C & M A Churches and in The Missionary Church in Indiana, Illinois, and New York. They raised four children. Bea's incredible output of Christian hymns, Gospel songs, and choruses is noteworthy. No less than 450 pieces were written, but unfortunately the majority have never been either recorded or reduced to the written page. A significant number were published in two books of her music exclusively, by Singspiration Music in the 1960s and 1970s. But this hymn of confession, I Am Not Worthy, was a perennial favorite of many, and was her unswerving testimony. Her incredible musical vocation spanned more than eighty years.  And while she knew that we believers are so unworthy, she realized that there is only One who is entitled to be worthy.   Revelation 4:11   "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."  This week thank God for His great mercy in not giving you what you deserve and for His grace in giving you spiritual riches at His expense.

(1)     I am not worthy the least of His favor, 
But Jesus left heaven for me; 
The Word became flesh and He died as my Savior, 
Forsaken on dark Calvary. 
I am not worthy this dull tongue repeats it!  
I am not worthy this heart gladly beats it? 
Jesus left heaven to die in my place 
What mercy, what love and what grace! 

(2)     I am not worthy the least of His favor, 
But "In the beloved" I stand; 
Now I'm an heir with my wonderful Savior, 
And all things are mine at His hand. 
I am not worthy this dull tongue repeats it!  
I am not worthy this heart gladly beats it? 
Jesus left heaven to die in my place 
What mercy, what love and what grace! 

(3)     I am not wortly the least of His favor, 
But He is preparing a place 
Where I shall dwell with my glorified Savior, 
Forever to look on His face.
I am not worthy this dull tongue repeats it!  
I am not worthy this heart gladly beats it? 
Jesus left heaven to die in my place 
What mercy, what love and what grace! 

Like many of her compositions, there are not many recording of it available.  However, here is one very unique because it is actually the author singing her song.   LISTEN


  1. Is there any way I can find the sheet music for I Am Not Worthy?

  2. You might try "Favorites #4' put out by Singspiration Music in 1956 if you can find it.

  3. I grew up in that era in New England. My mother was in a trio in our church, and had all those "Favorites" books. Her trio sang that song often. Also, you might google Word of Life, Jack Wyrtzen, Schroon Lake, New York or "The White Sisters". I attended camp and worked at Word of Life in the 1960's and The White Sisters were a trio who were on staff and sang at the camps and Bible Conference all summer. They sang this song. Hope this helps.

  4. Here are the White Sisters singing I am not Worthy.


  6. It is January 2023....I just found and read this page about Bixler and her song "I am not worthy". I wanted to hear the song in Bixler's voice and was disappointed that the link is connected to the message "this video is no longer available" Can you make the song available with a new link posting?? Send me the link, please.
