Sunday, December 7, 2014


         Loneliness can be a very serious problem.  It often leads to depression.  It can be  extremely hard to deal with or cure.  Both my father and my father-in-law dealt with deep loneliness after the death of their long time spouses.  My father dealt with it by keeping busy with his church responsibilities, but it was tough for him.  My father-in-law really couldn't stand to be alone.  He wished that the Lord would take him home.  He finally got remarried and that was a help, but he never really got over missing his first wife. Losing a loved one can lead to serious loneliness.  But one can also be very lonely in a crowd.  I heard recently that only 40% of men over the age of 50 have a good friend that they can confide it and share their concerns. That can also lead to real loneliness. I have experienced this having lost a few of my closest friends and my brother as well.   We can be aware of all the promises such as "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee". and "Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you."  But knowing these verses and putting them into practice can be two different things.  Now I don't know if loneliness was a problem for Haldor Lillenas (1885-1959) personally or if he was just aware of friends who were dealing with this problem.  But in 1928 he penned the words and the music to this week's hymn choice. The song reminds us that we need never be lonely because our relationship with God includes the fellowship of His Son. It refers to several different circumstances in life when we especially need the fellowship of Christ in our lives.   "Days may bring their burdens and their trials as I go ... Life may have its crosses, or its losses, or increase ... In the hour of sad bereavement or of bitter loss ...  Or when evening shadows fall at closing of my day."  And the response or answer to these difficult situations is found in the chorus.  "How can I be lonely when I've Jesus only to be my companion and unfailing guide?  Why should I be weary, or my path seem dreary, when He's walking by my side?"   In his lifetime, Lillenas produced some 4,000 hymns and supplied songs for many evangelists. Many had powerful, practical words such as this one.  Are you facing a battle with loneliness in your life?  It can happen to the best of us.  Claim the truth and words of this song and realize that there is One who is walking by your side, even in the darkest of times.  Depend upon Him to be your dear friend.  "There is One who stickest closer than a Friend."

(1)     One is walking with me over life's uneven way,
Constantly supporting me each moment of the day;
How can I be lonely when such fellowship is mine,
With my blessed Lord divine!?
How can I be lonely when I've Jesus only
To be my companion and unfailing guide?
Why should I be weary, or my path seem dreary,
When He's walking by my side??

(2)     Days may bring their burdens and their trials as I go,
But my Lord is near and helps to make them lighter grow;
Life may have its crosses, or its losses, or increase,
Jesus meets them all with peace
How can I be lonely when I've Jesus only
To be my companion and unfailing guide?
Why should I be weary, or my path seem dreary,
When He's walking by my side??

(3)     In the hour of sad bereavement or of bitter loss,
I can find support and consolation at the cross;
Want or woe or suffering all seem glorified when He
Daily walks along with me.?
How can I be lonely when I've Jesus only
To be my companion and unfailing guide?
Why should I be weary, or my path seem dreary,
When He's walking by my side??

(4)     In life?s rosy morning when the skies above are clear,
In its noontide hours with many cares and problems near,
Or when evening shadows fall at closing of my day
Jesus will be there always.?
How can I be lonely when I've Jesus only
To be my companion and unfailing guide?
Why should I be weary, or my path seem dreary,
When He's walking by my side??

Listen to it here.   LISTEN


  1. Yes Loneliness is probably the biggest problem besides STARVing. It explains alcohol abuse, shopping, pets etc.
    see ya roy

  2. Barry after I got the hymn, I read your blog and finally realized I was reading after a Nazarene. Im now a Presbyterian, but I was raised in the Nazarene church, and I often find myself singing and enjoying those songs. see ya write me

  3. Thank you so much for the lyrics. I love this song.
