Sunday, August 10, 2014


Generally we devote this blog to reviewing older hymns or gospel songs.  But sometimes there are newer songs or praise choruses that just speak to me and I can't ignore featuring them.  I have two praise choruses that have become my favorites, even though I never hear them sung anymore in church.  But both speak to my personal desire to  glorify the Lord with my life in all that I do.  The first one, "Glorify Thy Name" was featured in my blog on November 23, 2011.  It is a prayer sharing our love of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and our desire to glorify them throughout the earth.  My second favorite is this week's choice that was written by Elizabeth Goodine and Carol Cymbala.  It is a prayer that has been recorded by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.  I know nothing about the actual background of its writing, but it may have been based on the prayer of the psalmist found in Psalm 119:175,  "Let me live that I may praise you, and may your laws sustain me."  Or maybe it was based on Psalm 71, 5 - 8.  "O Lord, you alone are my hope. I've trusted you, O LORD, from childhood. Yes, you have been with me from birth; from my mother's womb you have cared for me. No wonder I am always praising you!  My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection. That is why I can never stop praising you; I declare your glory all day long."  The words of this chorus are so simple but so powerful and meaningful.  We come to the Lord with a simple prayer, "In everything I do, let my life, O Lord, praise you."   And the chorus repeats our praise to the Lord, "Praise you, paise you, let my life, O lord, praise you."  What a beautiful and simple prayer.  Hopefully it is your prayer that your life might bring praise to the Lord.  For that should be our only motivation for our lives.  All other things should be secondary to that desire.  May this simple melody and prayer guide all that you do during the coming days, for truely, He alone, who gave us our lives, is worthy to be praised.  Praise you, praise you!

(1)     Lord I come to you today,
With a simple prayer to pray.
In everything I do,
let my life O Lord praise you.

Praise you, praise you,praise you
let my life, praise you
praise you, praise you, praise you
let my life, O lord praise you

(2)     Lord you formed me out of clay,
and for your glory I was made.
Use this vessel as you choose.
Let my life O Lord praise you

Praise you, praise you,praise you
let my life, praise you
praise you, praise you, praise you
let my life, O lord praise you

Listen to it being sung by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.    LISTEN


  1. This is one of my favorite hymns. I had never heard of Elizabeth Goodine before but am very thankful I heard this song. We sang it in choir and I have now sang it solo during my music ministry. I sing to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, homes for disabled adults etc. and the healing and comfort that comes from hymns I cannot put into words. I am just so grateful that I get to be a part of it. Thank you for posting this blog, I just found it tonight and will be taking my time looking through it all. God bless.....

  2. Indeed, I come to You today, please Lord, Let my Life Praise YOU ABBA FATHER!

  3. I awoke this morning with this song in my spirit, and as I prayed it was a constant theme in my spirit like background music. My desire to please the Lord through my life is intensified and by His grace, my life shall praise Him. I love this song.
