Sunday, March 30, 2014


How easy it is for us to find and even point out the faults of others.   We can criticize what they say, what they do, the decisions that they make, and even their commitment.  Often they just don't live up to our standards and we can dwell upon their faults and apparent sins.  Knowing that this would be a problem for mankind, Jesus reminded us to first examine our own lives before ever judging others.  Matthew 7:3 (ESV),  "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" We just ignore the log in our own eye. We don't want to see or admit the sin in our own lives that hinders our fellowship with the Lord.  David also had a handle on this problem when he prayed, as recorded in Psalm 139: 23-24, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way."  What a powerful but dangerous prayer.  When we ask the Lord to search our lives He may indeed point out sin that we need to deal with.  And if we don't deal with what he reveals, we will not experience the victory and joy He desires for His children.  It was this passage that stirred James Edwin Orr, in 1936, to pen the words of this week's hymn.  Orr (1912-1987) was a well-known Baptist minister, historian, lecturer, author and revivalist. He wrote numerous books and composed a number of hymns. He was one of the original board members of Campus Crusade for Christ. Throughout his lifetime Dr. Orr traveled to more than 100 countries, spreading the Good News.  He is said to have used an aboriginal tune from the Maori tribe in New Zealand to compose this song. It was a Maori song of farewell.  Orr wrote this song after participating in an Easter convention in Ngaruawahia, New Zealand.  He was so inspired by the move of the Holy Spirit that was taking place in this community that he decided to write a song about revival.  He believed this song reflected the heart of the revival that was taking place there.  Dr. Orr would often use this song in ministry events to encourage new spiritual awakenings, especially in Australia.   I hope that this is your prayer and desire, not because you are confident that there is no wicked way in you, but because you recognize God's control over your life and you are willing to submit yourself to Him. We can have complete confidence that whatever God might find and cleanse is for our good and that it is done out of love.  

(1)    Search me, O God,
And know my heart today;
Try me, O Savior,
Know my thoughts, I pray.
See if there be
Some wicked way in me;
Cleanse me from every sin
And set me free.

(2)    I praise Thee, Lord,
For cleansing me from sin;
Fulfill Thy Word,
And make me pure within.
Fill me with fire
Where once I burned with shame;
Grant my desire
To magnify Thy Name.

(3)   Lord, take my life,
And make it wholly Thine;
Fill my poor heart
With Thy great love divine.
Take all my will,
My passion, self and pride;
I now surrender, Lord
In me abide.

(4)   O Holy Ghost,
Revival comes from Thee;
Send a revival,
Start the work in me.
Thy Word declares
Thou wilt supply our need;
For blessings now,
O Lord, I humbly plead.

I am providing you with two choice this week.  First you can listen to a beautiful duet of two members of the Cathedrals singing the first verse.    LISTEN1
Or you can listen to all the verses being played and displayed.   LISTEN2

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