Sunday, November 10, 2013


Over the centuries people have struggled with the belief that their good works would provide salvation for them.  Even today many people have the mistaken belief that being good, taking care of the poor, giving to the church, or even serving in ministry will be enough to earn them a place in heaven.  But the scripture is very clear that securing salvation has nothing to do with our good works, but it is a gift of God, provided to us by His mercy and grace, through the death of Christ at Calvary. There is nothing wrong with doing good deeds, but it won't get you to heaven.   The price for one's salvation has already been paid by the Crucified Son.  This week's old hymn, written by Philip P. Bliss. makes this point very clear, over and over in each verse.  Once again, I have found nothing about the actual writing of the hymn, but its truth has had an impact on many lives over the years.  Ira Sankey, the great hymn writer who accompanied Dwight Moody on his campaigns, shared this story. "A minister from England, in telling of a certain meeting, says: "Among the converts was a man somewhat advanced in years, who was very anxious about the salvation of his wife, and expressed a wish that I should visit her. I did so repeatedly, and explained to her in very simple words the plan of salvation, but she could not comprehend the meaning of my message. Every time I left, however, she would express a strong desire that I return. One day I went in just before dinner, and talked to her about Jesus, but no light seemed to dawn upon her mind. Then the thought struck me to sing something to her, and so I commenced, ''Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give.' When I was through the chorus, she exclaimed 'Sing it over again.' I did so, time after time, and when I asked her to assist me, she joined in very heartily. The light dawned on her dark mind while we were singing, the big burden of sin was removed from her heart, and her face was lighted up with holy joy as she exclaimed 'Hallelujah, 'tis done! I do believe in the Son; I am saved.' Just then her husband walked in for his dinner, and she shouted out to him, 'Ah lad! I've got it! Hallelujah! 'tis done!' Their hearts were full of joy over the wonderful discovery she had made, and I was grateful to God for a sinner brought to Christ by the ministry of holy song."  May your rejoice this week in the knowledge that it isn't by works of righteousness that you may have done, but by His mercy that we are saved.  (Titus 3:5)  Hallelujah, it is done!

(1)     'Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give
Unto him who on Jesus, His Son, will believe.
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One;
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One.

(2)     Though the pathway be lonely, and dangerous, too,
Surely Jesus is able to carry me through.
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One;
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One.

(3)     Many loved ones have I in yon heavenly throng,
They are safe now in glory, and this is their song:
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One;
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One.

(4)     Little children I see standing close by their King,
And He smiles as their song of salvation they sing:
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One;
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One.

(5)     There are prophets and kings in that throng I behold,
And they sing as they march through the streets of pure gold:
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One;
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One.

(6)     There's a part in that chorus for you and for me,
And the theme of our praises forever will be:
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One;
Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One.

Listen to it being sung here.   LISTEN

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