Sunday, October 20, 2013


While I write this week's blog we are taking a few days of vacation at the shore.  I have enjoyed sitting on our balcony watching the waves roll in.  It has made me recall the many hymns that have been written using the sea as a theme.  It is so relaxing to watch the waves, but I wouldn't want to be caught in one of the big ones as the tide comes in.  It is off season and swimming is not permitted.  There are no life guards and no life saving equipment at this time of year.  And yet, there are a few people here who are breaking the rules and are out in the heavy surf, despite the risk.  At the end of the boardwalk there is a museum devoted to life saving equipment and experiences.  There have been many successful rescues here, but also some sad failures.  The heavy waves can be very dangerous. In 1888, Reverend Edward S. Ufford, a Baptist minister, was visiting Point Alverton, near Boston. While there, he visited a lifesaving station on the coast and watched men practicing rescue procedures that they would use in the event of shipwreck. One of the drills they practiced involved throwing a lifeline to those struggling in the water. As he watched, it occurred to him how saving those in danger had parallels in the Christian's life. He went home and in just fifteen minutes he wrote the lyrics and melody to this week's hymn choice. Two years later, the song was purchased by Ira Sankey who had George C. Stebbins harmonize it. It was published in 1890 and again in 1891 in Sankey's hymnals.  As Ufford realized, there are many parallels to life around us.  For all around us folks are struggling with the waves of life.  Some are weighted down with obvious sins, others are sinking with their liberal anti-Christian views, others are just everyday folks living without hope and facing daily trials and despair.  And we sit there with the answer, the lifeline - the Gospel of Christ.  And often as they are sinking, we just sit and watch as they drown.  We need to throw out the lifetime so that they can be saved from certain death.  The song may be old and the theme may sound old fashioned in today's modern world.  But, the need is greater than ever.  And as the lifeguards are ready to save those in trouble at the shore or at sea, may we ever be ready to help the many around us who are eternally in trouble.  May it be our challenge this week to throw out the lifeline to them.

(1)   Throw out the life line across the dark wave;
There is a brother whom someone should save;
Somebody's brother! O who then will dare
To throw out the life line, his peril to share?
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.

(2)   Throw out the life line with hand quick and strong:
Why do you tarry, why linger so long?
See! he is sinking; oh, hasten today
And out with the life boat! away, then away!
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.

(3)   Throw out the life line to danger fraught men,
Sinking in anguish where you've never been;
Winds of temptation and billows of woe
Will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow.
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.

(4)   Soon will the season of rescue be o'er,
Soon will they drift to eternity's shore;
Haste, then, my brother, no time for delay,
But throw out the life line and save them today.
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.

(5)   This is the life line, oh, tempest tossed men;
Baffled by waves of temptation and sin;
Wild winds of passion, your strength cannot brave,
But Jesus is mighty, and Jesus can save.
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.

(6)   Jesus is able! To you who are driv'n,
Farther and farther from God and from Heav'n;
Helpless and hopeless, o'erwhelmed by the wave;
We throw out the life line, 'tis "Jesus can save."
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.

(7)   This is the life line, oh, grasp it today!
See, you are recklessly drifting away;
Voices in warning, shout over the wave,
O grasp the strong life line, for Jesus can save.
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.

Listen to it being sung right here.     LISTEN

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