Sunday, October 6, 2013


On Friday we led a hymn sing at Pinebrook Bible Conference which we titled "Hymns of Peace".  I chose that title for two reasons.  First, I chose it because there are so many good hymns that talk about God's peace, and second, because so many folks today are searching for peace, not only in the world, but, more importantly, in their own lives.  I don't remember a time when so many folks that I know are facing such very difficult problems - financial, physical, employment, family, emotional.  And as I pray for them I pray specifically for wisdom to make the right decisions, for strength to face the problems, and especially for peace in their situation - the perfect peace which only God can provide.  This world is desperately seeking peace to the world's turmoil by way of man's own intellect. Many believe that negotiation or more legislation will end the world's problems. However, this is not the solution. Man can't bring real peace.  The only REAL peace comes from the Lord through His marvelous salvation and His presence in our lives. Jesus Christ is the source of TRUE happiness, hope, and peace.  While searching for hymns about peace for the hymn sing, I came upon a short song written by the late great soloist, George Beverly Shea.  I don't know of any specific events behind the writing of this song, but I can imagine that while traveling with Evangelist Billy Graham, Shea's heart had to be touched by the thousands of troubled people that they ministered to.  And most likely from his own personal experiences the words of this simple song were born.  It's a message of the peace that only Jesus can give to a broken and wounded life and to a sin-sick world. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 .  Maybe this week you need this reminder of God's presence and peace as you encounter the turmoil in your life.  In that case, may you experience Jesus whispering peace to your heart and life.

There is a name to me so dear,
Like sweetest music to my ear,
For when my heart is troubled, filled with fear,
Jesus whispers peace

When grief seems more than I can bear
My soul weighed down with heavy care
And I am sorely tempted to despair
Jesus whispers peace

O that the world might hear Him speak
The word of comfort that men seek
To all the lowly and to the meek
Jesus whispers peace.

Listen hear to this song being sung by George Beverly Shea and Graham Crusade Music Director, Cliff Barrows.      LISTEN


  1. My brother and I both know and love the Lord. I live in Wiltshire, England and he in Perth WA, over 9,000 miles away. He had an old 78 record of Bev Shea singing this dear hymn when we were both very much younger, over 60 years ago.
    My brother is now bed bound and in his very last days before the Lord takes him home. Yesterday we were remembering old times over the phone and I played a recording of this hymn to him. We were both in tears as we thought of how precious the Lord is to us.

  2. Have been looking for the sheet music for this song. Wish I could find it.

  3. My internet searching finds that this song was written by Della McChain Warren, not GBS. Not much biographical info on her, though.

  4. If you watch the Gaither Homecoming Tent Revival, you can see George Beverly Shea sing it with Cliff, and they tell a beautiful story on why they love the song and how it had impacted them.
