Sunday, June 9, 2013


In my regular blog ( of June 5 I discussed a number of things that I have been viewing through the rear view mirror of my car while I am waiting for traffic lights to change.  I find it fascinating to watch what people are doing - talking on cell phones, texting, fixing their hair, singing, eating, drinking, talking and much more.  But recently I have been looking at their faces - sometimes smiling, sometimes blank, sometimes sad.  I related a recent experience where a female driver had been following me for several miles.  Every time we stopped I wondered if she was sad, or worried or grumpy or whether that was her normal expression.  She really looked terrible.  Then I saw her turn into the Lancaster General Hospital Health Campus and I began to wonder was she just on her way to work after a bad night.  Or was she going there as a patient facing medical tests, procedures, surgery or maybe even to get the results of some tests.  Maybe her facial expression was actually showing her worry or her fear.  Two thoughts then came to my mind.  First, maybe I should offer a quick prayer for this unknown driver - unknown to me, but known to the Lord.  I did that.  The second thought was the song that Steve Green wrote a number of years ago - People Need The Lord.  I think we all need to be reminded daily of that truth.  Day by day we pass by people who are worried, hurting and without hope.  But we are often too busy with our own business and cares that we don't even see them, or even worse, don't care  Here we are with the remedy for their need and we pass them by - day after day after day.  Thankfully somebody took the time to share the Gospel with us.  As we think about this song this week may we be challenged with the needs all around us.  Let's ask the Lord to use us to share the only true remedy - Jesus Christ. 

(1)   Everyday they pass me by,
I can see it in their eyes.
Empty people filled with care,
Headed who knows where?
On they go through private pain,
Living fear to fear.
Laughter hides their silent cries,
Only Jesus hears.
People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.
People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
When will we realize, people need the Lord?

(2)   We are called to take His light
To a world where wrong seems right.
What could be too great a cost
For sharing Life with one who's lost?
Through His love our hearts can feel
All the grief they bear.
They must hear the Words of Life
Only we can share.
People need the Lord, people need the Lord
At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.
People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
When will we realize that we must give our lives,
For people need the Lord.

People need the Lord.

You can listen and be challenged by this song here.    LISTEN


  1. Thank you for sharing your ty about this topic and song. I first heard it sung by Steve Green at the Billy Graham Crusade and was blessed by it. I also thought, at that time, he had written e. Now many years later I was thinking about it, yet forgot who sand/wrote it. So I researched who wrote it and was surprised to find it was not Steve Green. He was the singer. Phil McHugh and Greg Nielsen wrote it in 1983. I thought you would like to know this.

    1. Sorry for the typo. Your "thoughts".
