Sunday, September 2, 2012


It is unusual to choose a Gospel song that might have been written in our lifetime since so many of those usually chosen were written over a century or more ago.  But this week's choice was made popular by Bill and Gloria Gather after they wrote it in 1965.  There are probably two reasons that this was selected this week.  First, my wife and I will again be leading a monthly hymn sing at Pinebrook Bible Conference later this week.  We have chosen the title "Serving Joyfully" and will sing hymns based on this theme.  There are many hymns to choose from on this theme but this one certainly came to mind very quickly.  The second reason is that my cousin just sent me a CD of a special program that honored by grandfather on his 65th year in the ministry.  The program included many godly saints who were key figures in my life over the years.  Most of them are now at home with the Lord.  But hearing their testimonies again impressed me with the fact that the longer we do serve the Lord the sweeter and closer He becomes to us.  My grandfather, Pastor Norman H. Wolf, was a special example of that.  Despite all the problems and heartaches he faced in 65 years of ministry, he developed such a positive spirit and it was obvious to all that he walked closer to the Lord each day. He had a tremendous influence on thousands of lives. Then one day, while he was resting in his chair, the Lord just came and quietly took him home to be with Him.  Unfortunately not all people mature and grow old like my grandfather.  Some folks become complainers and bitter and people hate to be around them. Sometimes that attitude may be caused by the physical problems of aging but sometimes it is probably the result of not walking closely each day with the Lord and not serving Him throughout their life. Retirement should not be in our vocabulary when it comes to walking with the Lord and serving Him.  When we draw closer to Him each day He does grow sweeter, we do experience more joy, and our heart can overflow despite the many growing challenges of life.  I don't know how long you have been walking with the Lord and serving Him, but may this week's choice remind you and challenge you to make that a priority so that this song will also be your testimony, as it is mine.

(1)   Since I started for the kingdom since my life he controls 
Since I gave my heart to Jesus 
The longer I serve him the sweeter he grows  
The Longer I serve the sweeter he grows 
The more I love him more joy he bestows 
Each day is like is like Heaven my heart overflows 
The longer I serve him the sweeter he grows 

(2)   Every need he is supplying plenteous grace he bestows 
Everyday my way gets brighter 
The longer I serve him the sweeter he grows 
The Longer I serve the sweeter he grows 
The more I love him more joy he bestows 
Each day is like is like Heaven my heart overflows 
The longer I serve him the sweeter he grows 

Listen to it here.   LISTEN

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