Sunday, September 5, 2010


We all face times of diffculty and concern. There are times that we fret about our circumstances our future and we feel all alone. Nobody seems to care. It's at times like this that we need to be reminded that somebody does care and that God will take care of us, no matter what may be the test or challenge. He is the only one who knows our present and our tomorrows. He will never leave us even when those closest to us do so. This week's popular hymn of spiritual encouragement was written, in 1904, by Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Martin. It was composed while the Martins were spending several weeks as guests at the Practical Bible Training School at Lestershire, New York, where Mr. Martin was involved in helping the president of the school, John A. Davis, prepare a songbook. The Reverend W. Stillman Martin, a well-known Baptist evangelist, was invited to preach at a church some distance from the Bible school. That Sunday morning, Mrs. Martin became suddenly ill, making it impossible for her to accompany her husband to his preaching engagement. Mr. Martin seriously considered cancelling his speaking assignment, since it would be needful for him to be gone from her for a considerable time. Just then, however, their young son spoke up and said, "Father, don't you think that if God wants you to preach today, He will take care of Mother while you are away?" Agreeing, Mr. Martin kept his preaching appointment, and the service proved to be unusually blessed of God, with several people professing Christ as Savior as a result of the sermon. Returning later that evening, Mr. Martin found his wife greatly improved in health, and, while he was gone, she had been busily engaged in preparing a new hymn text, inspired by the chance remark of their young son earlier that day. That same evening, Stillman Martin composed the music for his wife's words just as they are still sung today. The next year, this hymn appeared in a collection, Songs of Redemption and Praise, compiled for the school by W. S. Martin and President John Davis. "God Will Take Care of You" soon became a favorite hymn of Christian people everywhere. May this great hymn encourage you this week.

(1) Be not dismayed whate'er betide,
God will take care of you;
beneath His wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.
God will take care of you,
through every day, o'er all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.

(2) Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
God will take care of you;
when dangers fierce your path assail,
God will take care of you.
God will take care of you,
through every day, o'er all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.

(3) All you may need He will provide,
God will take care of you;
nothing you ask will be denied,
God will take care of you.
God will take care of you,
through every day, o'er all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.

(4) No matter what may be the test,
God will take care of you;
lean, weary one, upon his breast,
God will take care of you.
God will take care of you,
through every day, o'er all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.

Listen to this hymn here. LISTEN

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