Sunday, December 13, 2009


Each year at Christmas, once this week's choice gets into my mind, I sing it over and over again. Its words continually minister to my heart. It is amazing to me that the God who has created and controls this vast universe would allow His Son to leave all the glory and riches of heaven to become poor and come to this earth, for me. We are living in very difficult times and while most of us are so blest, there are so many folks who are struggling because they have so little. Some have become poor because they've lost their jobs and their homes. It's not been their choice. There are homeless folks all around us. But none of us would ever willingly trade what we have for their situations. We would never choose to be poor. But that is exactly what Christ did for us. He came to be born in a lowly manger, then to be rebuked and finally crucified. When I chose this hymn for this week I became frustrated because I can only find the words of one verse. Damaris Carbaugh does a stirring arrangement of this, but she just sings one verse in English and one in Spanish. The song has a 1958 copyright by the Lillenas Publishing Company, so the rest of the words must exist somewhere. Maybe you can locate them for me. Both the words and the music were written by Byron Carmony, a pastor for 40 years. And that is about all that I can find. However, the words of this one verse are so powerful and stirring that I still had to post them. Meditate on them with hearts full of gratitude and amazement as you prepare for this Christmas season.

They borrowed a manger of hay for His bed; Jesus my Savior;
No soft, downy pillow, no warm cradle spread for Jesus, my Lord.

His were the planets and stars in the sky;
His were the valleys and mountains so high;
His, all earth's riches from pole unto pole;
But He became poor to ransom my soul.

(Spanish verse)
En rudo y prestado pesebre nació, Cristo, mi Cristo;
Ni cama ni almohada su cuerpo gozó, Jesús, mi Señor.
Dueño era El de las pléyades mil,
Suyos los valles, y montes sin fin,
Ricos tesoros El puede contar,
Mas pobre vivió, mi ser por salvar.

© 1958 by Lillenas Publishing Co. All rights reserved.


  1. Thank you for these lyrics to "He Became Poor"!

    Merry Christmas,

    In Christ,
    Linda Johnson

  2. I met Byron in about1937 or 38. He was with a group from Olivet College who came to our church on a week end. He stayed in our home. I was only 10 or 11 but I recall him being there. He played my old piano and sang "He Became Poor". slograndpa@gmail.commooducr

  3. The CD on this site has a beautiful acapella version of "He Became Poor." Very crisp and clear sound, very well-sung. This was where I first heard the song.

  4. I am singing in a trio for Christmas. We would so love to sing "He Became Poor", is so beautiful. Is there any place I can download the music for it. I am unable to find it anywhere. Thanks.

  5. Go to and go to performance tracks. Find her Christmas album and I think you can find it there to purchase a CD or a download. Best wishes

  6. Cuarteto Heman en el disco de Gran Compasión

  7. Vs 2.They borrowed a colt lowly, beast for a King
    Jesus my Savior
    No court gave him honor, No carillons ring
    For Jesus my Lord.

    Vs 3 They borrowed a tomb for the crucified One
    Jesus my Savior
    No monument royal for God’s only Son
    For Jesus my Lord.


  8. They borrowed a manger of hay for his bed, Jesus my Saviour
    No soft downy pillow no warm cradle spread, for Jesus, My Lord.
    His were the planets and stars in the sky;
    His were the valleys and mountains so high;
    His, all earth's riches from pole unto pole,
    But He became poor to ransom my soul.
    verse 2 --
    They borrowed a colt--lowly beast for a King, Jesus, my Saviour
    No court gave Him honor, no carillons ring for Jesus, my Lord.
    verse 3 --
    He borrowed a room for the Passover Feast, Jesus my Saviour;
    Becoming both Servant and Heavenly Priest, this Jesus, my Lord.
    verse 4--
    They borrowed a tomb for the Crucified One, Jesus, my Saviour
    No monument royal for God's only Son for Jesus, my Lord.

    His were the planets and stars in the sky;
    His were the valleys and mountains so high;
    His, all earth's riches from pole unto pole,
    But He became poor to ransom my soul.
