Sunday, October 11, 2009


Usually the hymns that I feature are hymns that are favorites of mine. This week is an exception, because I've never heard this one before. Why would I then choose it? If you read my blog (Barry's Blog) for Friday, you will know that my week has revolved around settlement of the sale of my parents' home. Since they lived there for almost 60 years, this process has been one of very mixed feelings. But, as I noted in my blog, it is only a house. It was a temporary location used on our journey to our new home in heaven. So homes and heaven have been on my mind and I spent time searching for hymns that shared about our new home in heaven. In doing this search I came upon this hymn which was written in 1897 by Barney E. Warren. The more I read it, the more I thought it really represented my feelings and anticipation this week. Sometimes we get so involved in taking care of our earthly abodes that we forget about the perfect homes that are being prepared for God's family in heaven. And then our prayer should really be, Lord come quickly.

1. I have a home prepared for me,
A mansion bright across the sea;
And when I pass to yon bright shore,
I'll dwell with Christ forevermore.
• Refrain:
I'll live for Him till life shall end,
Then on my pinions I'll ascend
To that bright home, where all is fair,
And take my starry crown to wear.

2. I have a home in heav'n above,
Where all is pure and perfect love;
A home where sin can never be,
Where all is perfect purity.
• Refrain:
I'll live for Him till life shall end,
Then on my pinions I'll ascend
To that bright home, where all is fair,
And take my starry crown to wear.

3. I have a home, forever free
From toil, and care, and misery,
Where stormy seas can never roll,
Where bliss eternal crowns the soul.
• Refrain:
I'll live for Him till life shall end,
Then on my pinions I'll ascend
To that bright home, where all is fair,
And take my starry crown to wear.

4. I have a home — how sweet to know
'Tis well secured from every foe—
Where peace and joy do reign supreme,
Where love shall be my only theme
• Refrain:
I'll live for Him till life shall end,
Then on my pinions I'll ascend
To that bright home, where all is fair,
And take my starry crown to wear.

Listen to it here. LISTEN

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