Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today is a very special day - Mother's Day.  I hope that you have a chance to honor your mother and treat her to a very special day.  You might want to go to my other blog and read my entry for May 9 to get a sense of my feelings about this special day.  In my blog I mention that I am now realizing that I am an orphan and I don't really appreciate that reality.  The last few months have been times of real challenge for me and often I wish that I could call mother or dad for their advice. Or I wish that I could share with them my worries and concerns knowing that they would encourage me and faithfully pray for me.  It is so hard not to be able to do that anymore.  And now being the elder of the family, I guess the buck really stops with me.  At least there are times that I feel that this is the case.  But then I am reminded that I still have a Father and that He really cares for me.  I can share my stresses with Him and He will answer, comfort, and provide wisdom and peace.  And slowly I am realizing that He is the One who really cares and the only One who can really help.   Recently I heard this week's song and the words of the chorus just challenged and encouraged my heart.  "You're still Lord, You're still my Father!"   And that is the reminder I need on  Mother's Day, Father's Day and everyday!

(1)   When I was just a child I heard a beautiful story
How You loved me so You died on Calvary
And though I claimed You way back then as Lord Almighty
Things haven't changed
My love is still the same
You're still Lord to me
You're still Lord, You're still my Father
In little or much, I feel Your touch
You're still Lord
You're still Lord, You're still my Father
You'll always be mine for all time
You're still Lord

(2)   Some have called you Lord but now they serve another
To worldly things their heart has pledged it's loyalty
But as for me when I made my choice it was forever
And now as before but now even more
You're still Lord
You're still Lord, You're still my Father
In little or much, I feel Your touch
You're still Lord
You're still Lord, You're still my Father
You'll always be mine for all time
You're still Lord

You'll always be mine for all time
You're still Lord to me

Listen to it here.       LISTEN

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