Sunday, March 8, 2009


If you are a regular to this hymn blog you probably think that I only appreciate the old hymns of the church ... you know, those hymns written several hundred years ago.  Now I admit that there are many of the old ones that still speak to my heart and I do miss hearing and singing them.  But there are some recently written ones that also have a great message.  This week's choice is one of those.  It was written in 2001 and it won a Dove Award in 2002.  It shares the many ways God is with His children and how he deals with them.  And as it says, He gives the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for.  You can listen to Selah sing it at this site.   LISTEN

Wonderful mericiful Savior,
Precious redeemer and friend.
Who would have thought that a lamb could
Rescue the souls of men, Oh You rescue the souls of men.
You are the One that we praise.
You are the One we adore.
You give the healing and grace our
Hearts always hunger for, Oh our hearts always hunger for

Counselor, comforter, keeper.
Spirit we long to embrace.
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost the way, Oh we hopelessly lost the way.
You are the One that we praise.
You are the One we adore.
You give the healing and grace our
Hearts always hunger for, Oh our hearts always hunger for.

Almighty infinite father,
Faithfully loving Your own.
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne, Oh we're falling before Your throne.
You are the One that we praise.
You are the One we adore.
You give the healing and grace our
Hearts always hunger for, Oh our hearts always hunger for.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. It was actually written in 1989, but not recorded by Selah until 12 years later.

    for more information about the hymn:
