Sunday, January 25, 2009


During my college days I had the opportunity to sing with a gospel quartet called "The Gospel Four".  We sang each Sunday morning on the radio for 15 minutes, each Sunday night before the evening message, and once in awhile at other churches and programs.  Two of the members were a generation older than I was and the third was about ten years older.  It was a special experience with great memories.  However, four of us younger fellows formed a second group.  We loved to sing but didn't get the opportunity very often to sing in public.  We just enjoyed being together and blending our voices in harmony.  One of the songs that we loved to sing was "Heartaches".  I guess that during those years we all thought that we had various heartaches and we probably did.  But as young men we rarely thought about the heavy heartaches that we would all face later in life.  But as I've faced many during recent years, the Lord has often brought back the words of this song and I often find myself singing them to myself.  Now I am the only one of the four men still living but I if I think about it, I can still hear the others harmonizing as we sang these comforting words.   Maybe these words will help comfort you as you experience the heartaches that are part of life here on this earth.

(1)   When your heart is aching, turn to Jesus,
He's the dearest Friend that you can know;
You will find Him standing close beside you,
Waiting peace and comfort to bestow.

Heartaches, take them all to Jesus,
Go to Him today,
Do it now without delay.
Heartaches, take them all to Jesus,
He will take your heartaches all away.

(2)   There is joy for every troubled sorrow,
Sweet relief for every bitter pain,
Jesus Christ is still the great Physician,
No one ever sought His help in vain.

Heartaches, take them all to Jesus,
Go to Him today,
Do it now without delay.
Heartaches, take them all to Jesus,
He will take your heartaches all away.

(3)   Jesus understands, whate'er the trouble,
And He waits to heal your wounded soul.
Will you trust His love so strong and tender?
He alone can make your spirit whole.

Heartaches, take them all to Jesus,
Go to Him today,
Do it now without delay.
Heartaches, take them all to Jesus,
He will take your heartaches all away.

Listen to it here     LISTEN


  1. Hi, the music link to listen to it isn't working - was it removed?

  2. I remember as a three year old sitting in my aunt's kitchen on the floor singing Heartaches take them all to Jesus and all of the adults were laughing at me. Now as a senior the words mean so much and are a daily prayer need!

  3. I too remember singing the male quartet version of this song in the Talbot Seminary quartet back in the 50's. Two members of that quartet are now in heaven and two of us are still on earth, serving the Lord as seniors. Thanks for the memories.

  4. We used to have a Vespers program at our church each week, to close the Sabbath. My family often had special music during that program, and my parents and I would often sing Heartaches, take them all to Jesus. It is forever etched in my memory, Dad on one side singing high harmony, Mom and I singing the melody. Mom is sleeping in Jesus now, Dad has dementia, and at nearly 83, soon to sleep. But I rest in the knowledge that soon all our heartaches will be ended. Blessings to all who read this.

  5. As a little girl I thought everyone was singing "hard eggs, take them all to Jesus" and couldn't understand why Jesus loved hard boiled eggs.

  6. wish I could hear this song sung.
