Sunday, November 23, 2008


Choosing a hymn for this week isn't too difficult.  With Thanksgiving just a few days away it is certainly appropriate to choose one which reminds us to have a thankful spirit.  In an age when it is more common to be bitter, complaining, and self-absorbed, sometimes we  are so guilty of living thankless lives.  Maybe we need a special holiday to remind us that our hearts should be flowing with thanks - not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of our lives.  I had to remind out Awana clubbers the other night that it is appropriate to say "thank you" when they receive their awards.  Unfortunately, the lesson was not learned since the next week not a single clubber responded with a "thank you".  Manners and thankfulness are not often taught or modeled today.  But are we really any different?  How often do we forget to be thankful - to friends, family members or especially the Lord?  The scripture says "in everything give thanks".  Sometimes, like with some events that we've personally faced in recent weeks, it is hard. It is easier to fret and complain.  But when we stop and think about what God has done for us, our hearts should be filled with thanksgiving.  Here is an old hymn - often just the chorus has been sung - that should challenge us to be more thankful.  The words and music were written by Seth and Bessie Sykes.
(1)   Some thank the Lord for friends and home,
For mercies sure and sweet;
But I would praise Him for His grace
In prayer I would repeat:

Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul,
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole;
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free.

(2)   Some thank Him for the flow'rs that grow,
Some for the stars that shine;
My heart is filled with joy and praise,
Because I know He's mine.     Chorus

(3)    I trust in Him from day to day,
I prove His saving grace;
I'll sing this song of praise to Him
Until I see His face.     Chorus

You can listen to it here      LISTEN

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