Welcome!  Hymns have been and continue to be a real source of inspiration to me.  My desire in this blog is to share special hymns with my readers hoping that the words will minister to them, especially in times of great personal need.  If one of these hymns ministers to you, please take time to leave a comment so that I know that my blog is helping others as much as it helps me. Sometimes I will also provide a link where you can go to hear the hymn played.  So, please join me here each week and sing along as we praise God together.

Sunday, June 26, 2022


          What a fascinating experience it is to view the sky on a clear, cloudless evening.  You can see the stars, galaxies, planets, meteors and arrays such as the Big Dipper.  It is often overwhelming and hard to comprehend the vastness of the universe and the order in which things move.
          It is amazing to understand that all of this is part of God's spectacular creation.  He made it and He controls it. But it is even more amazing to realize that the Creator even cares for us and sent His Son to pay the debt that could make us His.
          "When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers - the moon and the stars you set in place - what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?"  Psalm 8: 3, 4.
          If we understand this, then why should we fear?  The Almighty Creator can and will take care of us no matter what challenge we may experience.
          Several weeks ago, while watching the Sunday morning streaming of Stonebriar Community Church in Texas, I heard a small ensemble of young folks sing a meaningful song which I had never heard before.  Then a few weeks later I heard it on the radio and I decided that I needed to find out more about this new song in hopes that I could share it with my readers on this blog.
          What I found was that this song was the work of Christian music artists Keith and Kristyn Getty. The Getty's have written and introduced many of the excellent new hymns, like this one, that are being used in churches today.  Written in 2020, it was the official music video for "Consider the Stars," the theme song for the documentary motion picture "Against the Tide: Finding God in an Age of Science". The film is an exploration into the evidence showing the complementary relationship between science and faith.
          In this song the Gettys encourage us to "consider the stars" and to not be afraid, as the Creator of the universe promises to care for each of us. This is also a call to be bold in our faith, knowing God will be with us as we stand strong against the tide of atheistic misinformation.
          Why not take some time this week to view the marvelous universe?  Not only will it help you relax, but it should be an important reminder of God's care for you.  "He who made all of this says, "You're worth more than this". Holds you in His hands.  Do not be afraid."
1.    Consider the stars in the sky
Look up and wonder, can you count their number?
Consider the stars in the sky
Umbrella to hide in, a dance floor of heaven
Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid
2.    Consider the stars in the sky
When it is darkest they shine out the brightest
Consider the stars in the sky
In every anguish, oh child take courage
Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid
He who made all of this
And who holds all of this
Holds you in His hands
Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid
3.   Consider the star in the sky
Diamond in a ring, over thе Child King
Consider the stars in the sky
Grace He had promised, coming to find us
Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid
He who made all of this
Says, "You're worth more than this"
Holds you in His hands
Do not be afraid
Listen to it here.   STARS

Sunday, June 19, 2022


TIMELESS HYMNS - A feature in which I choose a previous post, revise it and edit it and post it once more.  This one was first posted on January 29, 2012

          Recently when my wife shared her age with a friend, the friend asked, "How did you get that old so fast?" Yes, time does fly, faster than we ever expected.
          On June 12 I celebrated my 77th anniversary of accepting Christ as my personal Savior.  Where did the years go? I'm not really sure but I do know that today that relationship is better and sweeter than it ever has been before.  And that is the testimony shared by this week's hymn, "Sweeter As The Years Go By". 
          Recently a local radio station was playing programs from the past and they played an old recording of "The Old Fashioned Revival Hour". After Rudy Atwood's traditional piano opening, the choir sang this week's hymn. I hadn't heard it in years but I sang along and thought how true the words really were, not only years ago, but even more so, today. 
         No matter how long you have served the Lord, I hope that this is also your testimony. I understand that the lyrics and music were written by Leila N. Morris (1862-1929). She became blind in her early fifties, but that didn't keep her from writing. I am told that she had a 28-foot long blackboard with large music staff lines. Using this special board she was able to see enough to help her write hymns. In all she wrote more than 1,000 hymn texts as well as many of the tunes. Her handicap didn't keep her from doing this and being productive for God. 
         This hymn was first copyrighted in 1912 and the stanzas were originally for soprano and alto duet. But arrangements for full four part harmony were made by the Lillenas Publishing Company. 
         Even with her blindness, Mrs. Morris found that her Lord did become sweeter to her as the years went by. Richer, fuller, deeper, Jesus' love is sweeter, sweeter as the years go by. 
          May this also be your experience and testimony..

1. Of Jesus' love that sought me, 
when I was lost in sin;
Of wondrous grace that brought me 
back to His fold again;
Of heights and depths of mercy, 
far deeper than the sea,
And higher than the heavens, 
my theme shall ever be.
Sweeter as the years go by, 
sweeter as the years go by,
Richer, fuller, deeper, 
Jesus' love is sweeter,
Sweeter as the years go by.

2. He trod in old Judea 
life's pathway long ago;
The people thronged about Him, 
His saving grace to know;
He healed the broken hearted, 
and caused the blind to see;
And still His great heart yearneth 
in love for even me.
Sweeter as the years go by, 
sweeter as the years go by,
Richer, fuller, deeper, 
Jesus' love is sweeter,
Sweeter as the years go by.

3. 'Twas wondrous love 
which led Him for us to suffer loss,
To bear without a murmur 
the anguish of the cross;
With saints redeemed in glory, 
let us our voices raise,
Till Heav'n and earth reecho 
with our Redeemer's praise.
Sweeter as the years go by, 
sweeter as the years go by,
Richer, fuller, deeper, 
Jesus' love is sweeter,
Sweeter as the years go by.

Listen to it here.    SWEETER

Sunday, June 12, 2022


          What will you do with Jesus?  This is a question that mankind has faced for centuries and it continues to challenge people today.
          Centuries ago Pilate and the Jews faced this question.  Pilate had a big problem.  He knew Jesus was not guilty of any crime, but the shouting mob wanted him dead. So, Pilate offered them a choice - Barabbas or Jesus. They chose Barabbas.
          And even followers of Jesus face this question.  Peter boasted that he would support Jesus with his life and never deny him.  But Jesus told him that he would deny Jesus three times before the rooster crowed.  And, as predicted, Peter did deny knowing the Lord three times when he was faced with this question.
          Today the unsaved face this question and those who do not accept who He is and His gift of salvation face eternal death and separation from God.  How have you answered this question?  Is He your Savior?
          But believers also face this question in their daily life.  On Sundays we worship and praise the Lord.  We recognize who He is and what He means to us.  But then comes Monday and we head out into the world.  There we face temptations and pressures from the unsaved.  At times it becomes easy to deny the Lord by our reactions or even by our silence. What have we done with Jesus?
          A. B. Simpson (1843-1919), was a Canadian preacher, theologian, author, and founder of the Christian Missionary and Alliance (C&MA), an evangelical denomination with an emphasis on global evangelism.  Plagued by illness for much of his life since childhood, Simpson believed he experienced divine healing after understanding it to be part of the blessing of abiding in Christ. Simpson composed the lyrics of over 120 hymns, including this one which he wrote in 1905.
          Take time this week to reflect upon this hymn and this question. There comes a time when we all have to "man up" and do the right thing. Rarely will it be easy or convenient or popular. But it is in those moments that we find out, and the world finds out, what we're made of and what we really believe.  
          So, what have you done with Jesus?  And what will He do with you?
1    Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall--
Friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all;
Hearken! what meaneth the sudden call!
What will you do with Jesus? 
What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be;
Someday your heart will be asking,
"What will He do with me?" 
2    Jesus is standing on trial still,
You can be false to Him if you will,
You can be faithful thro' good or ill:
What will you do with Jesus? 
What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be;
Someday your heart will be asking,
"What will He do with me?" 
3    Will you evade Him as Pilate tried?
Or will you choose Him, whate'er betide?
Vainly you struggle from Him to hide:
What will you do with Jesus? 
What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be;
Someday your heart will be asking,
"What will He do with me?" 
4    Will you, like Peter, your Lord deny?
Or    will you scorn from His foes to fly,
Daring for Jesus to live or die?
What will you do with Jesus? 
What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be;
Someday your heart will be asking,
"What will He do with me?" 
5 .  "Jesus, I give Thee my heart today!
Jesus, I'll follow Thee all the way,
Gladly obeying Thee!" will you say:
"This I will do with Jesus!" 
What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be;
Someday your heart will be asking,
"What will He do with me?" 
Listen to it here.  QUESTION

Sunday, June 5, 2022


         1  LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. 2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 3   When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings   that you care for them? 5   You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. 6   You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: 7   all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, 8   the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. 9   LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!  Psalm 8
         The Psalms have always been a source of inspiration for musicians. From monastic psalm chants and the metrical versions of the psalms by John Calvin's followers, to the more liberal paraphrases of Isaac Watts, singing the psalms in some form has been important throughout Christianity.  So it's no surprise that contemporary musicians such as Michael W. Smith would use the psalms for musical inspiration.
          Smith had a difficult time when he graduated from high school in the mid-1970's.  Nothing seemed to work for him and college didn't seem to fit him.  He made a journey to Nashville, where he thought he had discovered a calling in the music industry.  But instead he became hooked on drugs. 
          He was just 22 years old in 1979, and sinking fast when he finally prayed for a change in his life. From that low point, perhaps, to where he began to grow in confidence and productivity, sprang this song that he wrote. Some feel it was an echo of a song written centuries earlier by David, another songwriter who knew what it was like to struggle, but who also knew what it was like to feel God's saving hand.
          "How Majestic Is Your Name" draws heavily from Psalm 8:1a, 9 as translated in the Revised Standard Version. The syncopated rhythms and abbreviated singing range draw congregational singers into the energy of the text. Allusions to Isaiah 9:6 in the second half of the song — "Prince of Peace, mighty God" — fill out the song.  The song achieved hit status when Sandi Patty recorded it.
           In 1981, Smith began working with the Christian band "Higher Ground" and writing songs for Meadowgreen Music, a leading publisher of contemporary Christian music. "
          May the words of this song be your testimony this week.  May we magnify His name and give praise to Him for He alone is worthy.

O Lord, our Lord,
 how majestic is your name in all the earth.
O Lord, our Lord, 
how majestic is your name in all the earth.
O Lord, we praise your name.
O Lord, we magnify your name:
Prince of Peace, mighty God;
O Lord God Almighty.

O Lord, our Lord, 
how majestic is your name in all the earth.
O Lord, our Lord, 
how majestic is your name in all the earth.
O Lord, we praise your name.
O Lord, we magnify your name:
Prince of Peace, mighty God;
O Lord God Almighty.

Listen to it here.  MAJESTIC