Welcome!  Hymns have been and continue to be a real source of inspiration to me.  My desire in this blog is to share special hymns with my readers hoping that the words will minister to them, especially in times of great personal need.  If one of these hymns ministers to you, please take time to leave a comment so that I know that my blog is helping others as much as it helps me. Sometimes I will also provide a link where you can go to hear the hymn played.  So, please join me here each week and sing along as we praise God together.

Sunday, June 27, 2021


          The sight of a deer wandering through the woods is a beautiful and amazing sight - as long as they don't run into your car.  David used the deer as an illustration in Psalm 42:1, 2 when he said, "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God."
          The deer probably  "pants" because he is about to die. The word in Hebrew for "pants" or "longs for" is a word which originally meant "to cry out." The crying out is the longing for water, but it also shows us that this is a desperate sort of longing. You might think of a deer who has been running and is at the point of exhaustion. He needs the water or else he will die. This is what David is writing about, and it is what he is going through in his life. He is on the run from enemies and even his own troubled heart, and so he turns to the waters of life which are found in God and divine worship.
         'As the Deer" is a well-known praise and worship hymn song written in 1984 by Martin J. Nystrom, a native of Seattle. Nystrom shared the following account about the writing of this song.
          "In 1984 I was a school teacher in Seattle, and since I had the summer off I decided to go back to Bible College ...  I headed for Dallas, Texas, and Christ For the Nations Institute. Little did I know what was about to happen to me, especially with all that I would be exposed to and the worship emphasis of the school."
          "I had a roommate at CFNI who was a very vibrant Christian. He challenged me to go on a fast - a period of time when a person refrains from eating solid food in order to give time to the reading of the Bible and to prayer. I took up the challenge, and on the 19th day of the fast I found myself sitting at a piano trying to write a song. I was simply playing chord progressions when I noticed a Bible on the music stand of the piano. It was open to Psalm 42. My eyes fell on the first verse of that chapter ... After reading the verse I began to sing its message, right off the page. I wrote the first verse and the chorus of a song, pretty much straight through. The whole of the adventure was completed in a matter of minutes. I then repeated the song I had just written. I wanted to seal it in my mind."
          "I had no intention of showing the song to anyone. It was to be for my own devotional time with the Lord. However, before leaving the school to go back to Seattle, I did share it with one person, Dave Butterbaugh. He introduced it to the students of the school and it became a favorite."
          I wonder if our souls really pant for the living God or are we so busy with the cares of this world that we only have our leftover time for Him.  Do we love Him more than gold or silver or do our possessions become more important to us?  Can we really say that we love Him more than anything?  Maybe we need to take some time this week to examine and renew our relationship with Him and worship Him.  He alone should be our heart's desire.

1.     As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longs after You
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship You
You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship You

2.     I want You more than gold or silver
Only You can satisfy
You alone are the real joy giver
And the apple of my eye
You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship You.

3.     You're my friend and You're my brother
Even though you are a King
I love You more than any other
So much more than anything
You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship You

You can listen to it here.    DEER

Sunday, June 20, 2021


TIMELESS HYMN - A special feature where I highlight some of my favorite hymns that I have previously featured in this blog.  These entries are revised and expanded and shared again for your encouragement and challenge. This hymn was originally shared here on September 4, 2011.

           As I reflect upon church music as I was growing up, there were some hymns that I loved to sing not only because of their message but because they were peppy and fun to sing. That was a sharp contrast to many of the hymns that were sung then. 
          One of those is this week's choice, "In My Heart There Rings A Melody". Some song leaders loved to hold the first four notes/words of the chorus and then sing the remainder at an upbeat tempo. It would stick in your mind for days after having been sung on a Sunday evening. And why shouldn't that happen? However, I never could understand how some folks could sing it without a smile on their face. What a joy to know that Christ can put a melody of love in your heart and that the words can ring there despite what is happening around you. 
           And as is so common in these older hymns, the last verse talks about heaven where the courts of glory will ring with glorious harmony. I love that thought and look forward to that day. 
          The text and tune were written by Elton M. Roth (1891-1951). Roth was a well known musician in his day who wrote and published many anthems and over 100 hymns. It was while assisting with evangelistic meetings in Texas on a hot summer day in 1923 that the words and music for this hymn suddenly came to him. Mr. Roth recalled, "That evening I introduced the song by having more than 200 boys and girls sing it at the open air meeting, after which the audience joined in the singing. I was thrilled as it seemed my whole being was transformed into song." 
          And ever since then, thousands of believers have joined in joyfully singing about the melody that rings in your heart because of what Christ has done for each of us. Despite your circumstances today, I hope this melody is ringing within your heart.

(1)    I have a song that Jesus gave me,
It was sent from heaven above;
There never was a sweeter melody,
'Tis a melody of love.
In my heart there rings a melody,
There rings a melody with heaven's harmony;
In my heart there rings a melody;
There rings a melody of love!

(2)    I love the Christ who died on Calv'ry,
For He washed my sins away;
He put within my heart a melody,
And I know it's there to stay.
In my heart there rings a melody,
There rings a melody with heaven's harmony;
In my heart there rings a melody;
There rings a melody of love!

(3)    'Twill be my endless theme in glory,
With the angels I will sing;
'Twill be a song with glorious harmony,
When the courts of heaven ring.
In my heart there rings a melody,
There rings a melody with heaven's harmony;
In my heart there rings a melody;
There rings a melody of love!

Listen to it here if you like congregational singing     LISTEN 1
Listen to it here to see children singing     LISTEN 2   

Sunday, June 13, 2021


          The Jericho road, connecting Jerusalem and Jericho, is about 17 miles long and a notoriously dangerous road. In those 17 miles it drops 3,600 feet. It's steep and it descends sharply, with lots of rocky valleys and passes. Until the fifth century it was called the red or bloody way, and in the 19th century people still paid safety money to local sheiks before they traveled on it.
          In Jesus' time the Jericho-Jerusalem road was notorious for its danger and difficulty. The road is most renowned for its appearance in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).   It was there that thieves beat a traveler, stripped him of his garment, wounded him and left him half dead.  A priest and a Levite saw him there but passed by leaving him to suffer alone.  But a Samaritan came by, stopped and had compassion on him. He bound up his wounds, poured oil and wine on them and took him to an inn.  There he provided enough for his care and recovery.
          So the hymn "On The Jericho Road" reminds us of the road we are traveling here on earth.  There are many dangers, challenges and difficulties we face on this road through life.  The world may be wrong and our burden heavy.  But the Lord wants to come beside us and bear each burden and share our sorrows, if we allow Him to do so.  He is the only companion who can do this and safely walk with us on our Jericho Road.  We face many distractions that try to accompany us and get us off the right path  - jobs, possessions, recreation, investments, friends, hobbies, etc.  But there is really only room for two - just Jesus and you!
          The words and music to this song were penned in 1928 by The Rev. Don McCrossan (1908-1989), an evangelist who in 1943 became director of the Victory Service Club, an outreach ministry to military personnel.   He was also a singer and a composer of gospel songs and held down a side job as radio announcer on station KGER in Long Beach, California. He secured the copyright to "On the Jericho Road" in 1928 when he was only 20.
          Over the years the song became popular with many gospel quartets and soloists.  Its backtime helps make it very interesting and popular.  One off the first musicians to make it popular was Elvis Pressley.
           Are you walking with Jesus on your Jericho Road.  Are the two of you experiencing the peace and comfort that only He can give along the way.  If not,  confess your sins to Him and sin's shackles will fall.  On the Jericho road, your heart He will bless.

1      As you travel along on the Jericho road,
Does the world seem all wrong and heavy your load?
Just bring it to Christ, your sins all confess,
On the Jericho road your heart He will bless.
On the Jericho road there's room for just two,
No more and no less, just Jesus and you;
Each burden He'll bear, each sorrow He'll share,
There's never a care for Jesus is there.

2      On the Jericho road blind Bartimaeus sat,
His life was a voice, so empty and flat;
But Jesus appeared, one word bro't him sight,
On the Jericho road Christ banished his night.
On the Jericho road there's room for just two,
No more and no less, just Jesus and you;
Each burden He'll bear, each sorrow He'll share,
There's never a care for Jesus is there.

3      O brother to you this message I bring,
Though hope may be gone, He'll cause you to sing;
At Jesus' command, sin's shackles must fall,
On the Jericho road will you answer His call?Refrain:
On the Jericho road there's room for just two,
No more and no less, just Jesus and you;
Each burden He'll bear, each sorrow He'll share,
There's never a care for Jesus is there.

Listen to it here.   JERICHO

Sunday, June 6, 2021


          If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that each week I choose a hymn or a gospel song, share some comments about it and then try to post a video of it being sung.  The hymns are usually ones written many years ago, although once in awhile I do share a more contemporary one.
          The pandemic has changed many of the things that were previously part of our "normal" lives.  It has been a time of adjustment and often even disappointment.  But some good things have developed.
          One of the major changes for my wife and I is that we have not been able to attend church in over a year because of our age, physical conditions, and warnings about covid.  As a result, Sunday morning worship for us has been watching two streamed services, one from our church in Lancaster and one from Chuck Swindoll's service in Texas.  Then we watch some gospel videos which are also streamed.
          Our favorite music videos have been those of the Collingsworth Family.  We have enjoyed their voices, their harmony, their music and their presentations.  However we especially enjoy the piano stylings of Kim Collingsworth.  She is exceptional and her arrangements are amazing.  We are always touched by her playing.
          This past Sunday we viewed a video where Kim shared her reactions to the pandemic.  She shared the fact that joy has not been canceled.  God's plans have not been canceled.  He is still in control.  Then she sings a song which she wrote to share these truths.
           I believe that in these difficult times her message and song are something that all believers need to hear.  If you have been discouraged by cancelations and challenges, you need to listen to her and understand what she shares.  His power is still abundant and His mercies are still new.  God's goodness, kindness and grace are not running low. PTL, He has not changed!
          Here are the words written by Kim.

Joy is not canceled 
It still remains 
Gods' goodness, kindness 
His grace isn't running low 
And He has not changed" 
His power is still abundant 
His mercies are still new 
God's plans have not been canceled 
He's fully in control 
And everything that matter still remains. 

When life is put on hold  
All our plans have canceled  
Things have changed  
Nothing feels the same  
Disappointments fear and doubt  
Go hand in hand  
and waves of worry threaten me 
Everywhere uncertainty  
But in the midst of chaos  
In the midst of fear  
There is something to remember  
There is something we all need to hear  

Joy is not canceled  
Peace still remains  
God's goodness kindness  
His grace isn't running low  
And He has not changed  
His power is still abundant  
His mercies are still new 
God's plans have not been canceled  
He's still in control   
And everything that matters still remains 

So when the trials and tests they come 
Darkness only hides the sun  
And You can't seem to find Your way  
No light of day 
There are some things we know for sure  
They never change they will endure  
No matter what things look like  
All around us  
So in the midst of chaos  
In the midst of all the fear  
There is something you should remember  
Yes there is something we all need to hear  

Joy is not canceled  
He still remains  
God's goodness and kindness  
His grace isn't running low  
And He, He has not changed  
His power is still abundant  
His promises they're all still true  
God's plans have not been canceled  
He's fully in control   
And everything that matters still remains  
Yes everything that matters still remains 

This week's video is clip where Kim reviews the circumstances behind this song and then sings the song which she wrote.      JOY