Sunday, August 25, 2024


        TIMELESS HYMNS - A regular feature in which I choose a previous hymn blog, revise it and post it again.  This one was first posted in 2014.


           It is strange how our mind sometimes recalls incidents that happened to us decades before and have since been forgotten.  As I began to prepare this blog my mind went back to when I was a youngster and was having great difficulty memorizing the memory verse for the week.  The verse was James 4:8, "Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you."  I struggled with this simple verse probably because I didn't have any idea what was meant by "drawing nigh".  But as my parents tried to explain the meaning to me it all began to make sense and it has since become one of those verses which I've never forgotten.  

          It has also become much more meaningful to me as I've grown older and experienced the truth of the verse.  James 4:8 may have been part of the truth that guided Cleland Boyd McAfee (1866 - 1944) to write these words in 1903. But like so many of the great hymns, it was born out of tragic circumstances. 

          McAfee, an American theologian and Presbyterian minister, suffered the loss of two infant nieces to diphtheria. At that time McAfee was preacher and choir director of the campus Presbyterian church at Park College, Parkville, Mo. His daughter described the account in her book, "Near to the Heart of God"

          Hymnologist William J. Reynolds quotes the account: "The family and town were stricken with grief. My father often told us how he sat long and late thinking of what could be said in word and song on the coming Sunday. So he wrote the little song. The choir learned it at the regular Saturday night rehearsal, and afterward they went to Howard McAfee's home and sang it as they stood under the sky outside the darkened, quarantined house. It was sung again on Sunday morning at the communion service.  

          And in the years since it has been a real comfort to many of us who have learned that we need to "draw nigh" to the blest Redeemer, sent from the heart of God, who is always there to comfort us and cheer us and guide us.  What a privilege to go to that place of quiet rest, of comfort sweet, of full relief, near to the heart of God.  

          Maybe the events of your life are pressing you for that help.  Then draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to you.  He is always there to meet you when you seek Him.


(1)    There is a place of quiet rest,

Near to the heart of God.

A place where sin cannot molest,

Near to the heart of God.

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,

Sent from the heart of God,

Hold us who wait before Thee

Near to the heart of God.


(2)    There is a place of comfort sweet,

Near to the heart of God.

A place where we our Savior meet,

Near to the heart of God.

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,

Sent from the heart of God,

Hold us who wait before Thee

Near to the heart of God.


(3)    There is a place of full release,

Near to the heart of God.

A place where all is joy and peace,

Near to the heart of God.

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,

Sent from the heart of God,

Hold us who wait before Thee

Near to the heart of God.


Listen to it being sung here.   LISTEN


Sunday, August 18, 2024


          I miss my father.  He was a godly man with great wisdom.  Often I was able to go to him for advice when I needed help.  

         But now He is in heaven and I can no longer visit or even call him.  Those days are gone forever.

         However, I still have a Father that I can reach and go to whenever I need help.  He has great wisdom and is never too busy to guide.  He is never on vacation and I don't need an appointment to come into His presence.  He is an "unseen hand".

          Albert J. Sims (1884-1969) was an Elder in the Primitive Baptist Church who served many churches in northwest Georgia.  He wrote this hymn about the unseen hand which he experienced in ways he could not see while going through "this world of woe."

          Sims shared how this hand has led through shadows drear and while it leads he has no fear.  And he knows that this unseen hand will continue to lead to that home where sin and sorrow can never come.

          Sims wrote how he longs to see his Savior's face and sing the story "Saved by Grace".  And on that golden strand he'll praise Him for His guiding hand.

          Thankfully we can put our faith in that unseen hand that faithfully guides us through all the challenges that we face in this difficult world.  I do miss my earthly father, but even though I can't see Him, my "Unseen Father" is omnipotent, compassionate and always there.

1.       There is an unseen hand to me
That leads through ways I cannot see
While going through this world of woe
This hand still leads me as I go

I'm trusting to the unseen hand
That guides me through this weary land
And some sweet day I'll reach that strand
Still guided by the unseen hand

2.   This hand has led through shadows drear
And while it leads I have no fear
I know 'twill lead me to that home
Where sin nor sorrow e're can come

I'm trusting to the unseen hand
That guides me through this weary land
And some sweet day I'll reach that strand
Still guided by the unseen hand

3.   I long to see my Savior's face
And sing the story I've been saved by grace
And there upon that golden strand
I'll praise Him for His guiding hand

I'm trusting to the unseen hand
That guides me through this weary land
And some sweet day I'll reach that strand
Still guided by the unseen hand

You can listen to it here.  UNSEEN


Sunday, August 11, 2024


          There are many hymn writers who have written inspiring songs about God's great grace for His children.  His grace is abundant and free.  It is all that we need.
          One of these is musician Buddy Greene who with Tricia Walker shares that God's grace is there for each moment that we need it.  It is given faithfully and proves His great love for us.  

          The song "Grace for the Moment" is a reminder of the Christian belief in the sufficiency of God's grace for every moment and situation in life. It emphasizes the reliance on divine grace rather than one's own strength, with an undercurrent of trust in God's provision and the peace that comes from faith. The song encourages listeners to lean on God's promises and to receive grace with faith, highlighting the daily necessity of grace and the assurance it provides.

          The song starts by declaring the need for grace in every moment and the importance of faith to receive this grace. It moves on to address human worry and the peace that comes from turning to God in thanksgiving, suggesting that grace is abundantly available to those who seek it with a faithful heart. The song then touches on the concept of faith itself, defining it as a reliance not on oneself but on the unseen and constant support from Jesus, reinforcing the message that God's love is made manifest in the provision of grace. Each verse builds on the concept of living by faith, relying on divine grace, and the assurance of God's love and support.
        **2 Corinthians 12:9** - "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." This verse echoes the song's emphasis on the sufficiency of God's grace for every need and moment.
        **Hebrews 4:16** - "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." This reinforces the song's encouragement to approach God with faith to receive grace.
        **Philippians 4:6-7** - "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This passage aligns with the song's message on the peace that comes from trusting in God's provision of grace.
        **Hebrews 11:1** - "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." This verse underpins the song's reflection on the nature of faith as relying on Jesus and His unseen assurance of grace and love.
       These verses collectively highlight the biblical foundations of the themes explored in "Grace for the Moment," such as the sufficiency of grace, the importance of faith, and the peace and assurance that come from trusting in God's promises. 
         Take time today to thank God for His grace and especially His grace for this moment in your life.

Grace for the moment, all that I need
Grace for the moment and faith to receive
All the promises given to those who believe
And grace for the moment, all that I need.

When I fret over outcomes that I cannot see
It's for certain I'll not have the peace meant for me
But when with thanksgiving I just look to Him
He will answer me time and again with

Grace for the moment, all that I need
Grace for the moment and faith to receive
All the promises given to those who believe
And grace for the moment, all that I need.

If I understand faith, it's not counting on me
It's the hope and assurance of what I can't see
It's the daily relying on Jesus to be
Providing more grace faithfully
Further proving His great love for me with


Grace for the moment, all that I need
Grace for the moment and faith to receive
All the promises given to those who believe
And grace for the moment, all that I need.

Listen to it here.   GRACE


Sunday, August 4, 2024


This is a feature where once each month 
I share one of my personal favorite hymns.         

          While I am sharing my personal favorite hymns once a month in this blog, I can't forget those sung by my favorite gospel soloist, George Beverly Shea. Not only did he have a beautiful voice but he ministered so sincerely and he lived a life which backed the Gospel message which he shared.
         For years he was the featured soloist with Billy Graham and many of his numbers are what I would call "classic" in the history of religious music. One of my very favorites is this week's choice, "I'd Rather Have Jesus".
         It is interesting that this poem, written by Rhea F. Miller in 1922, was left on a piano in the Shea home by Bev Shea who wanted her son to find it and change the course of his life. The words did move George and spoke to him about his own aims and ambitions in life. He sat down at the piano and began singing them with a tune that seemed to fit the words. Shea's mom heard him singing it and asked him to sing it at church the next day.
         George's life direction did change. He was offered a popular music career with NBC, but a few years later chose to become associated with evangelist Billy Graham and he sang this hymn around the world.
          I wonder how many of us can actually claim this message. Would we rather have Jesus than riches or great possessions? Would we prefer him over power and fame?

          I believe that should the Lord tarry, many believers, even in this country, will be forced to make that decision publicly. May each of us make that decision today and live lives that reflect it. May our hungering spirits find him to be all that we need.
          I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today.


1.     I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold;

I'd rather be His than have riches untold;

I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands;

I'd rather be led by His nail-pierced hand


Than to be the king of a vast domain

And be held in sin's dread sway;

I'd rather have Jesus than anything

This world affords today.


2.     I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause;

I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause;

I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide fame;

I'd rather be true to His holy name


Than to be the king of a vast domain

And be held in sin's dread sway;

I'd rather have Jesus than anything

This world affords today.


3.     He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;

He's sweeter than honey from out the comb;

He's all that my hungering spirit needs;

I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead


Than to be the king of a vast domain

And be held in sin's dread sway;

I'd rather have Jesus than anything

This world affords today.


Listen to it being sung here. LISTEN