Sunday, November 26, 2023


          I believe that the two biggest exaggerations that are used by Christians are, "If I can do anything for you, just let me know" and "I'll be praying for you".  In the first case, if we really want to help out we would find out what the person needs and just do it.  In making that statement we generally expect, and maybe even want, what usually happens - nothing. 
          In the second situation, we probably mean well but soon forget the promise we have made. It is an easy way to sound pious in difficult times.  It seems to me that it is rare today to have a person who will regularly take you and your needs to the throne of grace. Few of us are really burdened in pray for the lost around us.  Few of us take the time to be genuine prayer warriors for the lost as well as for those around us who have needs, and that is so sad.
          It is rare to have a faithful, genuine prayer partner and, if you have one, then you are very blest.  I've had a few in my lifetime.  Most of them have been relatives.  But most of mine are now already home in glory and I miss them.  One of those was my grandfather, Pastor N. H. Wolf.  I knew he was praying for me and my needs every day.  We were involved in a family ministry for about 25 years and most Sundays we would be on the road very early in the morning traveling to a church to present a program.  Only once in all of those years did we get lost trying to find the church.  Days later it dawned upon me that the previous week Grandpa Wolf had been taken home to heaven and that on this Sunday morning, for the first time, he was not praying for me.  I was struck by how much his faithful prayers had touched my life over the years.  
          Prayer is powerful!  Being an intercessor for another is a special privilege that should be ours.  Now this hymn mainly focuses on praying for the lost, but I believe it can also be applied to remembering those around us who are struggling. I had forgotten about the hymn and It has been long since I have heard it and its powerful message.  
          The words were written by Samuel O. Cluff (1837-1910) and the music was added by Ira Sankey in 1874.  I don't know anything about the events behind its writing, but I must assume that it came from the heart of a man who had experienced the power of prayer and the privilege of being a faithful intercessor for others. He must have had a real burden for the lost around him. 
          My challenge to you this week is to meditate upon the words and then become a true prayer warrior for others. People need the Lord!  And for those you know with various needs, please don't say "I am praying for you" unless you really mean it.  We need to be more honest with what we promise to others, more broken about the needs of our lost friends, and more faithful in spending time on our knees bringing the needs of others before the Lord.
(1)    I have a Savior, He's pleading in glory,
A dear, loving Savior 
though earth friends be few;
And now He is watching 
in tenderness o'er me;
And oh, that my Savior 
were your Savior, too.
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
I'm praying for you.
(2)    I have a Father; to me He has given
A hope for eternity, blessed and true;
And soon He will call me 
to meet Him in Heaven,
But, oh, that He'd let me
 bring you with me, too!
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
I'm praying for you.
(3)    I have a robe; 'tis resplendent in whiteness,
Awaiting in glory my wondering view;
Oh, when I receive it 
all shining in brightness,
Dear friend, could I see 
you receiving one, too!
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
I'm praying for you.
(4)    When Jesus has found you, 
tell others the story,
That my loving Savior is your Savior, too;
Then pray that your Savior 
may bring them to glory,
And prayer will be answered
 — 'twas answered for you!
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
I'm praying for you.
(5)   Speak of that Savior, 
that Father in Heaven,
That harp, crown, and robe 
which are waiting for you—
That peace you possess, 
and that rest to be given,
Still praying that Jesus 
may save them with you.
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
I'm praying for you.
It has been very hard to find a video of this hymn being sung.  Here is the only one that I could find.       LISTEN

Sunday, November 19, 2023


          Some hymns have unusual beginnings.  This one, released in 2019, is no exception.
         Credit for the writing goes to Ed Cash, Ben Fielding, Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson, and Jenn Johnson. 
But it was really an experience by Johnson that started the process.
          Johnson was inspired by the process of adopting her fourth child.  She had been singing impromptu into her phone while driving on a long country road about the faithfulness and kindness of God. The song was then developed from the impromptu recording.
           The belief in the goodness of God is a cornerstone and foundation for knowing and trusting Him deeply. If His goodness is not our cornerstone, conflict will cause us to question or accuse God.  Have you found this to be your experience?
           Jesus told us we would face trouble, but He promised to walk with us through the fire and carry us. In the middle of a storm, we can have joy and peace as we anchor ourselves in the unchanging goodness of God.
          "I will sing of the goodness and lovingkindness of the LORD forever; With my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness from generation to generation."
          Are you finding that through all your life God has been faithful?  From the moment that you wake each day do you sense his goodness?  Is He close like no other?  Then join in singing of His goodness.  God is so good!
Verse 1
I love You Lord
Oh Your mercy never fails me
All my days
I've been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
I will sing of the goodness of God
All my life You have been faithful
All my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
I will sing of the goodness of God
Verse 2
I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
In darkest nights
You are close like no other
I've known You as a father
I've known You as a friend
I have lived in the goodness of God
Your goodness is running after, 
it's running after me
Your goodness is running after, 
it's running after me
With my life laid down, I'm surrendered now,
 I give You everything
Your goodness is running after, 
it's running after me

Listen to it here.   GOODNESS

Sunday, November 12, 2023


          The seasons of life that we encounter include disappointments, sickness, tribulation, failures and even persecution.  But these encounters are easier to face if you have one to go through them with you.
          And believers have found that they do have One, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will stand by them and guide them through these challenging experiences.  This truth is what is shared by Charles Albert Tindley (1851-1933)  in his hymn "Stand By Me".
          Tindley's father was a slave, and his mother was free. His father died when he was very young. He was taken in my his mother's sister Caroline Miller Robbins in order to keep his freedom. It seems that he was expected to work to help the family. In his Book of Sermons (1932), he speaks of being "hired out" as a young boy, "wherever father could place me." He married Daisy Henry when he was seventeen. Together they had eight children, some of whom would later assist him with the publication of his hymns.
         Tindley was largely self-taught throughout his lifetime. After he and Daisy moved to Philadelphia in 1875, he took correspondence courses toward becoming a Methodist minister. He did this while working as a sexton for the East Bainbridge Street Church. Beginning in 1885 he was appointed by the local bishop to serve two or three-year terms at a series of churches, until coming full circle to become pastor at East Bainbridge in 1902. 
          Under his leadership, the church grew rapidly. They relocated in 1904 to the East Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church, then again in 1924 to the new Tindley Temple, where the membership roll blossomed to about ten thousand.
          Tindley was known for being a captivating preacher, and for also taking an active role in the betterment of the people in his community. His songs were an outgrowth of his preaching ministry, often introduced during his sermons. Tindley was able to draw people of multiple races to his church ministry; likewise, his songs have been adopted and proliferated by white and black churches alike. 
          Each of the verses of this hymn talk about one of the storms of life that we encounter and what Jesus can do to help us through them.  As I've grown older I especially like the fifth one. "
When I'm growing old and feeble, stand by me." "When my life becomes a burden, and I'm nearing chilly Jordan, O thou Lily of the Valley,
stand by me."
          Now our lives may take different paths but we all will grow older and probably more feeble and most likely a burden to some, sooner than we expect.  But Jesus will stand by us and bear us safely to our new home where we will no longer be feeble nor a burden to anyone.
          "Thou who knowest all about me, stand by me."
1    When the storms of life are raging,
stand by me; (stand by me)
when the storms of life are raging,
stand by me. (stand by me)
When the world is tossing me
like a ship upon the sea,
thou who rulest wind and water,
stand by me. (stand by me)
2    In the midst of tribulation,
stand by me; (stand by me)
in the midst of tribulation,
stand by me. (stand by me)
When the hosts of hell assail,
and my strength begins to fail,
thou who never lost a battle,
stand by me. (stand by me)
3.   In the midst of faults and failures,
stand by me; (stand by me)
in the midst of faults and failures,
stand by me. (stand by me)
When I've done the best I can,
and my friends misunderstand,
thou who knowest all about me,
stand by me. (stand by me)
4    In the midst of persecution,
stand by me; (stand by me)
in the midst of persecution,
stand by me. (stand by me)
When my foes in war array
undertake to stop my way,
thou who rescued Paul and Silas,
stand by me. (stand by me)
5   When I'm growing old and feeble,
stand by me; (stand by me)
when I'm growing old and feeble,
stand by me. (stand by me)
When my life becomes a burden,
and I'm nearing chilly Jordan,
O thou Lily of the Valley,
stand by me. (stand by me)
You can listen to it here.   STAND

Monday, November 6, 2023


          "We put our hope in the LORD; he is our protector and our help. We are  glad because of him; we trust in his holy name. May your constant love be with us, LORD, as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:20-22.
          This hymn is one of my favorites because of the 
clear and biblical explanation of the work of salvation that it provides.  Trace the truths presented through the Scriptures and you will see what a fine declaration of the gospel of grace is given.
           The author, Norman Clayton (1903-1992) was born in Brooklyn, New York, the ninth of ten children. He was converted at the age of six in the South Brooklyn Gospel Church, where his mother had been a foundation member. He was church organist by the age of 12, a role he kept up the rest of his life.Clayton's profession was in the building industry, but he also created his own publishing house, Gospel Songs, which was later absorbed into the Rodeheaver Company.  In 1942 he was working with Jack Wyrtzen's Word of Life organization, providing music for both the radio broadcasts and crusade meetings.
          Clayton said his usual practice was to write the music first before the words, and that he felt it was vitally important that every song he wrote be biblically based.  In order to create songs worthy of His Lord, Clayton made it his practice to memorise scripture, so his songs would have a strong Biblical basis.
          The opening verse makes it clear that our only hope is the Lord who gave His life for our salvation.  The chorus continues this theme proclaiming that for me He died and for me He lives.  What a powerful truth.
           The second verse continues the theme, sharing that t
he saving work of Christ is not just a hope, it's our only hope.  Verse three concerns the present intercessory work of Christ, as our great High Priest in heaven. When the work of redemption was accomplished, Christ ascended on high, and is seated at the right hand of the Father (Heb. 1:3). His presence there eternally proclaims that our debt has been paid (Rom. 8:33-34).
          The final verse is my favorite.  This is a work of grace, God's unearned and unmerited favor, given "freely." "By grace you have been saved through faith" (Eph. 2:8). Grace renders any human effort unnecessary and totally irrelevant.All we can do is believe and receive this gift and hope. 
          All we can do is to concentrate on these words as you sing them in humility and thankfulness.

                                                       1.    My hope is in the Lord 

                                                          Who gave Himself for me,

And paid the price of 

all my sin at Calvary.

For me He died, For me He lives,

And everlasting life and 

light He freely gives.


2.     No merit of my own 

His anger to suppress.

My only hope is found 

in Jesus' righteousness.

For me He died, For me He lives,

And everlasting life and 

light He freely gives.


3.     And now for me He stands 

Before the Father's throne.

He shows His wounded hands 

and names me as His own.

For me He died, For me He lives,

And everlasting life and 

light He freely gives.


4.     His grace has planned it all, 

'Tis mine but to believe,

And recognize His work of love 

and Christ receive.

For me He died, For me He lives,

And everlasting life an light He freely gives.


Listen to it here.  HOPE