Sunday, June 28, 2020



      Each of us have experienced days when everything seems to be going right in our lives.  Our health is good.  The family is well.  We are enjoying our jobs.  The bills are paid.  We have a close walk with the Lord.  On those days we feel that we are on the top of the mountain and we wish that every day would be the same.   But events in life can change so quickly and we can suddenly feel that we are in the valley. Problems overwhelm us.  We become worried and discouraged and think that nobody understands or cares.  Life in the valley can be tough. But we shouldn't be surprised when this happens because Jesus warned us,  "I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world." John 16:33 . In the valley, in the barrenness, in the suffering, God still walks with us and cloaks us with His infinite and intimate comfort.  God's plans are not necessarily our plans, but they are so much better! We can be so thankful that our GOD is never ever taken by surprise. He knows exactly what is going on, and He is in control.  And He is with us not only on the mountain but in the valley as well.  Tracy Dartt, a Gospel musician, had a valley experience when he was facing bankruptcy with a $22,000 deficit.  He said that "in the midst of the turmoil, I awakened from a troubled sleep one night. It was two o'clock in the morning. A tune was echoing in my troubled brain. I picked up a tablet and a pencil and began to write, Life is easy when you're up on the mountain, and you've got peace of mind like you've never known. But, when things change and you're down in the valley, don't lose faith, for you're never alone. Thank You, Lord, I prayed, for being God in my valley. The chorus came, The God on the mountain is still God in the valley. When things go wrong, He'll make them right ... In all, it took about thirty minutes. I again prayed, Thank You, Lord, and then settled back down to sleep.  Morning came, breakfast and prayer time. Lord, show us Your will  I went off to work."   And God worked and solved their problem.  "We were free and clear, without having to bankrupt the business. God had taken us through the valley."  His simple but meaningful little song is comprised of just 72 words and  four chords but it has been an encouragement to thousands of people.  Are you going through the valley right now?  If so, meditate on the words and know that as you trust Him, the God on the mountain will not fail you or leave you

Life is easy, when you're up on the mountain
And you've got peace of mind, like you've never known
But things change, when you're down in the valley
Don't lose faith, for you're never alone
For the God on the mountain, is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, He'll make them right
And the God of the good times, is still God in the bad times
The God of the day, is still God in the night

You talk of faith when you're up on the mountain
But talk comes so easy, when life's at its best
Now it's down in the valley of trials and temptations
That's where your faith is really put to the test
For the God on the mountain, is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, He'll make them right
And the God of the good times, is still God in the bad times
The God of the day, is still God in the night

You can listen to it here.  MOUNTAIN

Sunday, June 21, 2020


TIMELESS HYMNS - A special feature where every few weeks I choose a hymn that I have written about before, revise and update it, and share it once again because I think it has a powerful message that we need.  This one was shared previously on June 4, 2017. 

          With the pandemic we never know what a day will bring.  Will it hit us or one of our loved ones?  Will it affect our job?  Will we be able to spend time with our family and friends?  Will we be able to attend a church service in person?  So many questions without any answers ... enough to create anxiety.
          What will tomorrow bring?  We don't know except that the Lord will be there to give us the strength that we will need.  Today He protects us and walks with us.  Tomorrow will be the same.  Day by day He himself is near us with a special mercy for each hour.
         I am often amazed at how many great hymns were written as a result of a tragedy.  This week's timeless choice is a good example of that.  It was written by Karolina Sandell-Berg (1832 - 1903) who is often called the Swedish Fanny Crosby.  Her many songs flowed from a broken heart after being with her father, a Swedish pastor, when he fell overboard as they were crossing a lake in Sweden. He drowned before he could be rescued. 
         So she knew exactly what it meant when she penned the words, "Day by day, and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here." and "Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting, E'er to take, as from a father's hand, one by one, the days, the moments fleeting, Till I reach the promised land."  
         This hymn has been an encouragement to me so often in my life.  I vividly recall a time when I was unexpectedly facing a major change in my life. As I took my morning walk, my heart was very heavy. I walked and prayed and listened to the early morning music on one of our area Christian radio stations. Suddenly I heard this song being sung.  And, it ministered powerfully to my need at that exact moment - God's answer to my prayer.  Strength I find to meet my trials here ... I've no cause to worry or to fear ... a special mercy for each hour ... His protection ... His promises ... my Father's hand.  I've often sung this song when I was preparing for surgery or having difficult physical tests performed.  It has often calmed my spirit during MRI's.  
         Now I don't know what particular challenge you might be facing in addition to Covid19 today.  It is so easy to worry and get discouraged.  But you can rest in the knowledge that, "Every day the Lord Himself is near me, with a special mercy for each hour;  All my cares He fain would bear and cheer me, He whose name is Counselor and Power. The protection of His child and treasure Is a charge that on Himself He laid." I challenge you to meditate upon these powerful words today as you trust Christ to meet your need.

1.     Day by day, and with each passing moment,
Strength I find to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment,
I've no cause for worry or for fear.
He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure,
Gives unto each day what He deems best,
Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.

2.     Every day the Lord Himself is near me,
With a special mercy for each hour;
All my cares He fain would bear and cheer me,
He whose name is Counselor and Pow'r.
The protection of His child and treasure
Is a charge that on Himself He laid;
"As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,"
This the pledge to me He made.

3.     Help me then, in every tribulation,
So to trust Thy promises, O Lord,
That I lose not faith's sweet consolation,
Offered me within Thy holy Word.
Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting,
E'er to take, as from a father's hand,
One by one, the days, the moments fleeting,
Till I reach the promised land.

Listen to it being sung here.      STRENGTH.

Sunday, June 14, 2020


TIMELESS HYMN  - Another revised and repeated blog of one of the great hymns of the faith which was originally shared on May 3, 2009  

          Several times this week I have heard the words of this hymn either mentioned or sung.  It is a tremendous encouragement to God's children who are going through times of stress, or persecution, or illness, or bereavement.  No matter what our circumstances may be, including COVID 19, God's children are safe in the arms of Jesus.  Nothing can tear us away from that position of safety and comfort. How often in this life we have found comfort and safety in the arms of a parent, spouse or loved one. This hymn is one of the thousands of hymns written by Fanny Crosby, the blind hymn writer.  I imagine that in her blindness she understood fully the truth of this great hymn.  I often marvel at how some of these hymns have been written.  On April 30, 1868, Dr. W. H. Doane came to Fanny and said "I have exactly forty minutes before my train leaves for Cincinnati.  Here is a melody.  Can you write words for it?"  Twenty minutes later she recited the words.  Mr. Doane copied them and still had time to catch his train.  And with that a precious hymn was born. What a gift God gave Fanny and oh how this hymn has blessed millions over the years.  Today if you are facing times of fear or stress, rest safely in the arms of Jesus, the One who really loves you and cares for you.

(1)  Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast,
There by His love o'ershaded, sweetly my soul shall rest.
Hark! 'tis the voice of angels, borne in a song to me.
Over the fields of glory, over the jasper sea.
Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast
There by His love o'ershaded, sweetly my soul shall rest.

(2)   Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe from corroding care,
Safe from the world's temptations, sin cannot harm me there.
Free from the blight of sorrow, free from my doubts and fears;
Only a few more trials, only a few more tears!
Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast
There by His love o'ershaded, sweetly my soul shall rest

(3)   Jesus, my heart's dear Refuge, Jesus has died for me;
Firm on the Rock of Ages, ever my trust shall be.
Here let me wait with patience, wait till the night is over;
Wait till I see the morning break on the golden shore.
Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast
There by His love o'ershaded, sweetly my soul shall rest

Listen to it here.   SAFETY

Sunday, June 7, 2020


TIMELESS HYMN - Another revised and repeated blog of one of the great hymns of the faith originally shared on June 13, 2010.

         How was your week? Was it filled with the usual challenges of life with some new ones thrown in for good measure?  Does the COVID 19 situation fill your mind and life with anxiety and fear?  Are your nerves frayed with concerns about tomorrow?  Are you having trouble adjusting to all the changes we now must make?
          Well probably all of us have similar concerns and times when our strength just doesn't xeem to be enough to get us through. It's then that we realize how much we really need the Lord - every day, every hour, every minute. And somehow I think that the older we get the more needy and dependent we become on His strength, wisdom and presence - at least I do.  
         As I thought about this  I was drawn to this week's hymn choice which I remember singing so often while I was growing up. The author of this hymn, Annie S. Hawkes, shared some of the details behind her writing of this in 1872. "I remember well the morning . . . when in the midst of the daily cares of my home . . . I was so filled with the sense of nearness to the Master that, wondering how one could live without Him either in joy or pain, into my mind, the thought at once taking full possession of me . . . For myself the hymn was prophetic rather than expressive of my own experience at the time it was written, and I do not understand why it so touched the great throbbing heart of humanity." 
         She gave the simple poem to her pastor, Dr. Robert Lowry. As he read and re-read it he realized that Anne had produced her finest work of poetry. He sat at his organ and composed the tune and then added a chorus to complete the work. Sixteen years later, Mrs. Hawks experienced the death of her husband. Years after, she wrote: "It was not until long after, when the shadow fell over my way, the shadow of a great loss, that I understood something of the comforting power in the words which I had been permitted to give out to others in my hour of sweet serenity and peace." 
         Maybe this week this hymn will also be a comfort to you as you recognize your need of the Lord in your daily life and as you experience His presence, every hour, as you face the daily challenges of life.

(1)   I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
no tender voice like thine can peace afford.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee.

(2)   I need thee every hour; stay thou nearby;
temptations lose their power when thou art nigh.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee.

(3)   I need thee every hour, in joy or pain;
come quickly and abide, or life is vain.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee.

(4)   I need thee every hour; teach me thy will;
and thy rich promises in me fulfill.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee.

(5)   I need thee every hour, most Holy One;
O make me thine indeed, thou blessed Son.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee.

Listen to it here. LISTEN