Welcome!  Hymns have been and continue to be a real source of inspiration to me.  My desire in this blog is to share special hymns with my readers hoping that the words will minister to them, especially in times of great personal need.  If one of these hymns ministers to you, please take time to leave a comment so that I know that my blog is helping others as much as it helps me. Sometimes I will also provide a link where you can go to hear the hymn played.  So, please join me here each week and sing along as we praise God together.

Sunday, June 9, 2019


          Many years ago when my boys were still in elementary school we decided to go on vacation with another family.  We decided to go to Maine where we had reserved, sight unseen, two cottages along a lake. The night before we were to leave we had a bad storm and we lost our electricity and of course our air conditioning.  I chose to sleep on the floor near our front door hoping to get some air and some rest before our long trip.  Early in the morning the power finally came back on and at 4 am, with little or no sleep, we left for Maine.  It was a dreary day and after fighting traffic jams we arrived at our cabins about dusk, very exhausted.  What we found were two dirty, musty cabins with primitive furniture and beds.  We were upset and ready to leave, but it was too late to find any other accommodations. So we decided to at least stay and endure the night.  Hours later we woke to a crisp morning and a spectacular sunrise overlooking a beautiful lake.  We found an old pump organ on a porch overlooking the lake and we spent the early minutes of the day singing hymns together and enjoying God's beautiful creation.  That morning everything seemed new and different than it had the night before and we had a memorable week enjoying Maine.  Now I use this story as an introduction to this week's song knowing that it seriously pales in comparison to what happens to us when we first experience salvation.  We are told in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."  And if you have experienced God's free gift of salvation you understand fully the changes that you experienced. The gloominess of sin was replaced with the beauty of salvation. IPsalm 40:3 says, "He lifted me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay; He set my feet upon a rock, and made my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD."   And I assume that it is this truth and this scripture that stirred John W. Peterson (1921-2006) to pen these simple but meaningful words.  "There's a new song in my heart since the savior set me free."  Peterson had a major influence on evangelical music in the 1950's through the 1970's.  He wrote over 1000 songs and 35 cantatas, many of which we grew up singing.  In this song he moves from "Once my life was filled with discord, sadness reigned within, for my heart was heavy laden with a weight of sin" ... to " I shall never cease in praising Jesus Christ my Lord, for the wonderful salvation that He did accord."   Hopefully you have experienced that transformation that only Jesus can provide.  Hopefully you are a new creation and have a new song in your heart.   If that is the case, then celebrate that experience this week and live a life of thankfulness for what He has done for you.

1      Once my life was filled with discord, sadness reigned within, 
For my heart was heavy laden with a weight of sin. 
There's a new song in my heart since the savior set me free 
There's a new song in my heart 'tis a heav'nly harmony 
All my sins are washed away in the blood of Calvary 
O what peace and joy nothing can destroy 
There's a new song in my heart. 

2      What a wondrous transformation in my life was wrought, 
When I trusted Christ my Savior and His pardon sought.

3      Someday I will go to Heaven where the angels sing, 
And I'll join their happy chorus praising Christ the King.

4      I shall never cease in praising Jesus Christ my Lord, 
For the wonderful salvation that He did accord. 

Listen to it here.        NEW SONG


Unknown said...

So glad to have at last found this hymn again. Loved singing it way back in the sixties.

Anonymous said...

Barry, Thanks for posting this. The song came to remembrance during my morning devotions. I searched the internet for these lyrics but was about to give up when I found your blog.
Sincerely, Dave, Decatur Chapel, Little Hocking, Ohio

Anonymous said...

As I awoke this morning I did as has become my new habit, I asked God for a song for the day. When the words "There's a New Song In My Heart" came to mind I remembered the tune but not the words. I searched the internet and found YouTube videos with the music and lyrics but it is the lyrics I wanted. My father passed last June and my mother is single for the first time since she was 15. She's making many changes and one includes changing churches. Unlike the churches of the past this one requires a statement of faith. She made a profession when she was a child and my father made a profession when I was a child and it was my mother's testimony that led him there. After 65 years of marriage, six children, three of whom died before my father, the faith she has clung to needs voiced. Thank you for your post and for the lyrics. The old, old story has put a new song in my heart.

xXxA&O said...

Gibt es eine Übersetzung von diesem wunderbaren Lied ins Deutsch?